Nightsolo's Mass Effect 1 Upgrades

Medi-Gel and Grenade Capacity Upgrades
Armor Upgrades
Grenade Upgrades
Weapon Upgrades
Ammo Upgrades

Medi-Gel and Grenade Capacity Upgrades

LevelCostWhere to buy Medi-Gel CapacityWhere to buy Grenade Capacity
I100Morlan or Normandy Requisition OfficerC-Sec Requisitions Officer or Normandy Requisitions Officer
II3125Morlan or Expat or PetoziMorlan or Opold
III12500Opold or Commander RentolaExpat or Commander Rentola
IV56000C-Sec Requisitions Officer or Commander RentolaC-Sec Requisitions Officer or Commander Rentola
V110000Dr. Chloe Michel or DelanDelan

Armor Upgrades

TypeNameEffect 1Effect 2Effect 3
Cooldown ReductionStimulant Pack (StimPack)Cooldown Reduction +5% to +9%
Damage ProtectionArmor Plating (Plating)Damage Protection +5% to +9%
Ablative Coating (AblCoating)Damage Protection +10% to +16%
Energized Plating (RegenPlating)Damage Protection +15% to +23%
HardeningHardened Weave (HardWeave)Hardening +10% to +12%
Health RegenerationFirst Aid Interface (FirstAid)Health Regeneration per Second +1 to +2
Medical Interface (MedicalIntf)Health Regeneration per Second +2.3 to +3.3Toxin Resistance +30% to +40%
Medical Exoskeleton (MedicalExo)Health Regeneration per Second +3.5 to +4.5Toxin Resistance +50% to +80%Cooldown Reduction 15% to +23%
KineticKinetic Buffer (KineticBuff)Shields +10 to +16Mobile Accuracy +10% to +16%Cooldown Reduction +10% to +16%
Kinetic Exoskeleton (KineticExo)Shield Recovery +25% to +35%Shields +40 to +50Mobile Accuracy +20 to +26%
Medical AugmentationMotorized Joints (MotoJoints)Smash Damage +10% to +20%
Exoskeleton (Exoskel)Smash Damage +24% to +40%Physics Threshold 30% to +60%
Combat Exoskeleton (CombatExo)Smash Damage +25% to +25%Hardening +25% to +35%Physics Threshold 50% to +90%
Physics ThresholdShock Absorbers (ShockAbs)Physics Threshold +10% to +20%
ShieldShield Battery (ShieldBatt)Shields +40 to +50
Shield Modulator (ShieldMod)Shields +90 to +120
Shield Interface (ShieldVI)Shields +120 to +160
Shield RecoveryShiled Regenerator (FieldRegen)Shield Recovery +15% to +21%
Energized Weave (EnerWeave)Shield Recovery +20% to +32%Hardening 15% to +30%
Toxin ResistanceToxic Seals (EnvSeals)Toxin Resistance +40% to +50%

Grenade Upgrades

NameEffect 1Effect 2Effect 3
Anti-Thorian Gas (AntiThorian)Kills Thoiran Creepers anywhere, and only knocks out infected colonists during a specific mission on Feros.
Cryo Explosive (Cryo)Freezes enemiesMax Accuracy -20% to -47%
Fusion Explosive (Fusion)Irradiates enemiesToxic Damage +20% to +65%
Incendiary Explosive (Incendiary)Burns enemiesDamage per Second for 5 seconds: 15 to 51
High Explosive (HE)Damage +10% to +37%Radius +50cm to +140cmWeapons Force +10% to +37%

Weapon Upgrades

TypeNameEffect 1Effect 2Effect 3
DetectionCombat Sensor (CombatSensor)Detection Levels 1-3
Combat Scanner (CombatScanner)Detection Levels 4-7
Combat Optics (CombatVI)Decection Levels 8-10Max Accuracy +15% to +21%
SightImproved Sighting (ImpSighting)Max Accuracy +5% to +9%
CoolingHeat Sink (HeatSink)Heat Absorption +10% to +14%
Frictionless Materials (FrictionlessMat)Damage Bonus +5% to +7%Heat Damping +20% to +28%
BarrelHigh Caliber Barrel (HighCaliber)Damage Bonus +10% to +14%Rate of Fire -20%Heat Absorption -20%
Rail Extension (RailExt)Damage Bonus +20% to +29%Heat Absorption -20%
Scram Rail (ScramRail)Damage Bonus +20% to +26%Heat Absorption -10%
StabilityRecoil Damper (RecoilDamp)Weapon Stability +10% to +14%
Kinetic Stabilizer (KineticStab)Weapon Stability +15% to +24%
Kinetic Coil (KineticCoil)Damage Bonus +5% to +7%Weapon Stability +20% to +28%

Ammo Upgrades

TypeNameEffect 1Effect 2Effect 3
Anti-OrganicAnti-Personnel (AntiPersonnel)Damage vs. Organics +15% to +25%
ShredderDamage vs. Organics +25% to +40%
Anti Armor/SyntheticArmor Piercing (AP)Damage vs. Synthetics +15% to +25%
TungstenDamage vs. Synthetics +25% to +40%
IncendiaryIncendiaryDamage per Second for 5 sec 10-16Target's Accuracy -10% to -16%
InfernoDamage per Second for 5 sec 15-21Target's Accuracy -20% to -28%
ColdCryoShield Bypass +10% to +14%Target's Accuracy -20% to -35%
SnowblindDmage Bonus +20% to +28%Rate of Fire -40%Target's Accuracy -20% to -28%
ExplosiveHigh Explosive (HE)Blast Radius 400cm-420cmHeat Generation +500%Weapons Force +500%, Damage +20% to +28%
High ImpactHammerheadWeapons Force +20% to +30%
SledgehammerHeat Absorption -20%Weapons Force +50% to +50%Toxic Damage +40% to +50%
Shield PiercingPhasicShield Bypass +20% to +30%Damage -30%
ProtonShield Bypass +40% to +55%Damage -20%
ToxicChemicalToxic Damage +30% to +40%Damage per Sec for 5 Sec 5-7
PoloniumToxic Damage +40% to +55%Damage per Sec for 5 Sec 5-8
Anti-Tech/BioticRadioactiveTarget's Cooldown -15% to -21%

last modified 1 August 2021