Mission 2 - Bughouse II

Strike Team Assembly:
Make sure you save before this mission. If the game quits (either unexpectedly or you ALT+F4 it) before assigning the 1st 6 troopers their Experience, you won't be able to start this mission, as you'll have too many troopers for it, and the game won't let you get rid of them, or even deploy.

I recommend taking out all the bugs first, save for one Plasma bug. The reason being that when you've met up with Company J, you have 3.5 minutes to clear the remaining Plasma bugs and get to the Retrieval Zone. I recommend leaving the one in the west-north-west, just north of the RZ, for last.

Use your Artillery to take out the Plasma bugs. The best way to sweep the area is clockwise from where you start. One of the Company J troopers is a medic. Put your team in formation, select the Medic, hit H or click the heal button in the HUD, and box-select the whole team. He'll start healing everybody who needs healing.

This page last modified 2 May 2004