Nightsolo's Consequences

TW2 Decision TW3 Consequence
Aryan La Vallette Whether he's alive affects some dialog duiring the quest "Broken Flowers."
Neck Tatoo If you still have the tatoo from "Hung Over," it'll be imported.
Alchemists from Flotsam If you agree to drink their potion, but later refuse to tell them about the effects, you may find a note from them that says the effect was to restore fertility.
Roche Even if you sided with Iorveth, he'll be friendly towards you.
Henselt No matter what, he dies in battle before TW3. If you sided with Roche, the decision of whether or not to kill him affects some minor dialogue.
Iorveth, Saskia, and Vergen No matter what, Iorveth and Saskia will leave Vergen before the town gets razed by Nilfgaard. Freeing Saskia of her control leads to some minor dialog with Phillipa.
Triss and the Conclave Regardless of whether you save Triss yourself or do the other quest, Triss says a massacre took place at Loc Muine. Other characters' dialogue is in line with the imported save.
Sile de Tansarville Whether or not she appears during the quest "The Great Escape." If you let her live, you'll watch her die later in TW3.
Letho If you let him live, you get a secondary quest, "Ghosts of the Past," and you have the opportunity to invite him to help at Kaer Mohren later.

last modified 25 June 2020