Archived News from 2008:
26 December 2008:
07 November 2008:
- Survey results say the "screenshot" type is the preferred Fallout 2 map type. So that's the way it'll stay. Thanks for saving me a ton of tedious work, by the way. :)
- On a related note, I've discovered the Restoration Patch for Fallout 2, and have re-written my guide based on all the cool newly restored content. Download it from my site, or from NMA
- Random quote:
"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."
-William James
15 September 2008:
- It's survey time again. I'm thinking of upgrading my Fallout 2 maps. Which do you think would be most useful to you? (Click each for a larger version)
Survey ended, form removed. Thanks for voting!
- Random Quote:
"In your head, they are dying."
-"Zombie" by The Cranberries
27 August 2008:
- Two updates in one month? What is the world coming to?
- I've finally finished my Fallout 2 guide. Well, sort of. We'll call this version 0.9. There is some polishing I may or may not do. I'll take your feedback now (email me or use the contact form).
- Random Quote:
"You take the breath right out of me. You left a hole where my heart should be."
-"Breath" by Breaking Benjamin
20 August 2008:
- No news is good news, right? So then the following might constitute bad news.
- I've received no good suggestions for a new domain name. What's with the xxx suggestions people? Do you see any porn on this site? No, you don't.
- I've decided to sell my Lego collection. It just doesn't bring me the joy it used to, I've grown out of toys, and I have other priorities in life these days. I'd like to sell it as a lot. Asking price is $3000. Shipping is free. See the full set list here. If I don't get any takers soon, I'll start auctioning off individual sets on eBay. Use my Contact form (link to the right) if interested.
- Random Quote:
"Once upon a time, the end."
-Jeff Mittlestat (a former roommate of mine)
22 January 2008:
- I'm thinking of changing my domain name. Any ideas?
- Random Quote:
"There is no true end."
-Nephilim from Wing Commander: Prophecy