Snow! Darn me for not taking a picture before I left Evanston this morning. It was snowing. This shot was an attempt to show snow piled up on my car. You can almost see where it is if you look for the non-shiny spots on the hood. Maybe I’ll adjust the brightness down later.
It was indeed snowing this morning, but I looked at Wyoming DOT’s webcams, and all of I-80 looked clear, so I took the risk and went. And it was mostly clear. At least, the roads were not frozen. Which is a good thing in a car known for not taking ice well. |
Missed Wet roads with a huge valley holding mist. I don’t know where the mist was coming from, but there it is. |
Zzzz Beautiful boring Wyoming countryside. Pretty in its own way, though. |
Terrain Or not so boring. This is an example of the occasional interesting terrain Wyoming has to offer. |
Nothing to See Here Er, boring again. This is the longest open stretch of nothing I remember on the drive so far. |
Right Side Out the right side of the car. |
Left Side Out the left side of the car two seconds later. The spots on the window are not bugs, but splatter from the moist road in the early part of the day. Finally the car is a little dirty. I had been worried because I had washed it only a few days before I left, and it’s not normally a good idea to call attention to a good looking car while one is on the road. |
Rest Stop A nice rest stop, with a sign pretty much explaining why Wyoming is so barren. The original concept for the state appears to have been as a wildlife refuge. I would have stayed longer after my picnic lunch to walk around, but there was a biting cold wind blowing. |
Buffalo Soldiers Same rest stop. I like how the flags stood straight out for this shot. The Wyoming flag is apparently a white buffalo. |
Fences A good shot of snow-drift stopping devices. Wyoming must get a lot of snow and wind in the winter to have as many as I’ve seen today. |
What're You Lookin' At? I don’t know why I took this shot. Nothing to see here, move along. |
Bus East of Laramie, there’s this huge pass. Note the sign in the shot with the elevation. Yowzers that’s high! I had looked at the route on Google Earth last night and didn’t remember seeing this.
I wonder what the folks in the school bus thought about me taking their picture. Did they remember that their windows are tinted?
Treeline Pretty frozen trees. |
Cake Ironic sign of the day. I have no idea what "Little America" is, but they have Burma-shave signs going back to the Utah border. They’re all stupid, but this one takes the cake. |
Blind Just out of Laramie, there was a highway advisory sign on that said "Fog Ahead. Turn off Cruise Control." I didn’t believe it until 10 miles later when I hit this fog. Nobody else slowed down, including that bus from the summit, which passed me and in this shot, is just in front of me here. I swear it is, although even after coming down off the mountain, I never saw it again. |
Pretty in Pink Sunset in Cheyenne from my motel room. |
Creamy Goodness My car from my motel room. |
| Fin So I find myself in beautiful Cheyenne, Wyoming. I’m glad I made a reservation last night, as I’m sure my 3pm arrival time would have tempted me to continue along. On the other hand, back some time before Laramie (50 miles from Cheyenne), I was feeling quite tired and ready to call it a day. I had finished listening to "Murder at Foggy Bottom," and had the stereo turned off, so perhaps the silence was putting me to sleep. Thankfully, I recognized the symptoms of fatigue, and found a rock station and turned on the cold vent.
Anybody know a cure for hemorrhoids besides Preparation H? That stuff smells funny after a while. That and it’s not all that effective.