Icing Conditions The "Bridges May be Icy" signs are ubiquitous in Wyoming. Thankfully, none of them were. Especially with weather like this! |
CO Taken a fraction of a second after passing the "Welcome to Colorado" sign. I had been looking for it, but it’s a brown wood sign with white letters, and quite difficult to see from a distance. So, this shot is a fraction of a second into Colorado. |
Right Side Out the right side of the car, just north of Denver. Rocky Mountains in that direction. |
Left Side Out the left side of the car two seconds later. I swear I had no idea that truck was going to be in the shot. There’s nothing but flat farmland to the east, behind the FedExEx trailer. |
Rocky Mountain High Home of Bob and Jane Urschel. Great people, beautiful country. Nice dogs, too. |
| Fin Just a short drive today. Kind of an odd relief, really. A nice break halfway through the trip. I didn’t take any pictures through Denver simply because of the thick traffic. As it was I was looking for a park to stop and have lunch, but didn’t find one. Instead I drove a mile past the Urschels’ exit to a rest stop for lunch. There I hung out for an hour so as not to be too early. |