Achievement Name | How to Get |
Against All Odds | Complete the game (plot related - you can't miss it) |
Agent | Complete 5 Assignments discovered by scanning unexplored worlds |
The Archangel | Recruit Garrus Vakarian |
The Assassin | Recruit Morinth |
Battlemaster | Gain Grunt's Loyalty |
Big Game Hunter | Kill a thresher maw (during Grunt's Loyalty Mission) |
Brawler | Shoot and kill 20 enemies while they're knocked back by a punch (run up to an enemy, Melee it, then shoot it) |
Broke, Blind and Bedlam | Gain Kasumi Goto's Loyalty |
Cat's in the Cradle | Gain Morinth's Loyalty |
Catching Up | Reminisce with Liara on the Normandy (after completing the Shadow Broker DLC, talk to her on the Shadow Broker Base ship, and invite her up.) |
Catharsis | Gain Jack's Loyalty |
Colony Defense | Defend a human colony from attack (plot related - you can't miss it) |
Covert Action | Rescue Dr. Amanda Kenson without attracting hostile attention, during the Arrival DLC (Don't shoot anyone until you get to Dr. Kenson - the Varren at the beginning don't count. There are three groups: 1 - shut down the energy fence, then climb up on the nearby truck; 2 - on the catwalk, when the shuttle arrives immediately go through the door on the left; 3 - just don't let them see you.) |
The Cure | Gain Mordin Solus's Loyalty |
The Convict | Recruit Jack |
Data Hound | Collect 6 Cerberus Data Packets scattered across Aite (They're at artificial structures) |
Detail Orientated | Use all information terminals in the Shadow Broker’s stronghold |
Digital Exorcist | Successfully shut down the rogue VI in Project Overlord |
Doppelganger | Gain Samara's Loyalty |
Explorer | Visit 100% of the planets in an unexplored cluster on the galaxy map |
Fade Away | Gain Garrus Vakarian's Loyalty |
Fashionista | Personalize your armor in your quarters on the Normandy |
Friend or Foe | Recruit Legion |
Ghost of the Father | Gain Jacob Taylor's Loyalty |
Ghost Ship | Complete the investigation of a derelict alien vessel (plot related - you can't miss it) |
The Hard Way | Complete the Shadow Broker DLC on Hardcore or Insanity difficulty setting |
Head Hunter | Perform 30 headshot kills with any weapon on humanoid targets |
Heart of Darkness | Confront the Shadow Broker (and beat him) |
Highly Trained | View all advanced combat training videos at Shepard's private terminal (either next to the Galaxy Map or in the Captain's Cabin) |
A House Divided | Gain Legion's Loyalty |
Incineration Specialist | Use Incinerate on 25 enemies |
Insanity | Complete the game on the "Insanity" difficulty level without changing the setting |
The Justicar | Recruit Samara |
The Krogan | Recruit Grunt |
Last Stand | Survive all five waves in the battle for Object Rho (During the Arrival DLC, as you attempt to escape, the last wave has a YMIR Heavy Mech. You should get the Achievement as you pass out) |
Long Service Medal | Complete Mass Effect 2 twice, or complete it once with a character imported from Mass Effect 1 |
Master at Arms | Kill enemies with 5 different heavy weapons during the game |
Merciless | Make 20 enemies scream as they fall or are set on fire |
Missing in Action | Complete the intro sequence on the Normandy (plot related - you can't miss it) |
Mission Accomplished | Complete the game (plot related - you can't miss it) |
Most Dangerous Game | Defeat the Shadow Broker’s Assassin (plot related from the DLC) |
No One Left Behind | Keep all of your squad mates alive through the final mission (All squad members you choose must be Loyal. Pick Tali or Legion to go through the ventilation shaft. Pick Miranda, Jacob, or Garrus to lead the fire teams both times. Pick any Loyal squad member to lead the escort) |
Operative | Complete an Assignment discovered by scanning an unexplored world |
Overload Specialist | Use Overload on 25 enemies |
Paramour | Successfully pursue a relationship with a squadmate |
Power Full | Evolve any power |
Power Gamer | Reach Level 30 with one character |
The Prodigal | Gain Miranda Lawson's Loyalty |
The Professor | Recruit Dr. Mordin Solus |
Prospector | Retrieve mineral resources by Scanning and Probing a planet in the galaxy map |
The Quarian | Recruit Tali'Zorah Nar Rayya |
Revenge! | Gain Zaeed's Loyalty |
Scientist | Complete any research project in the Normandy's laboratory |
Scholar | Unlock 15 Codex Entries |
Suicide Mission | Use the Omega 4 Relay (plot related - you can't miss it) |
Tactician | Hit 20 different targets with multiple biotic powers to combine the effects (use the HUD menu to have one of your biotic squadmates target an enemy and use a biotic power, then hit that same enemy with your own biotic power) |
Technician | Obtain 10 technology Upgrades |
Treason | Gain Tali'Zorah Nar Rayya's Loyalty |
The Ultimate Sacrifice | Complete the Arrival DLC pack |
Very Elusive | Meet with the Illusive Man (plot related - you can't miss it) |
Warp Specialist | Use Warp on 25 enemies |
Weapon Specialist | Fully Upgrade a weapon |
last modified 29 June 2013