Name (Levels) | Effect | Where to Get | Cost |
Assault Rifle Damage (1-7) | +10% Damage per upgrade | Found on dead turian in Omega's quarantine district Found by scanning Disassembled Geth Rifle on Haestrom Found in Morinth's apartment on Omega Found in Research Terminal on Zorya (Zaeed DLC, renegade path only) Delivery pickup at the Shadow Broker Base (Shadow Broker DLC) Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium Purchased from Fortack's Database on Tuchanka | 2500-12500 Iridium |
Heavy Pistol Damage (1-6) | +10% Damage per upgrade | Found by scanning customized heavy pistol on Haestrom Found by scanning heavy pistol on 2175 Aeia Found in the catwalks while helping Thane on the Citadel Found at the Dracon Trade Center on Illium (Shadow Broker DLC) Purchased from Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel Purchased from Fortack's Database on Tuchanka | 2500-10000 Palladium |
Shotgun Damage (1-6) | +10% Damage per upgrade | Found by scanning shotgun on Purgatory Found by scanning the Cerberus shotgun on the derelict Reaper Reward for completing the Rite on Tuchanka Delivery pickup at the Shadow Broker Base (Shadow Broker DLC) Purchased from Kenn's Salvage on Omega Purchased from Fortack's Database on Tuchanka | 2500-10000 Platinum |
Sniper Rifle Damage (1-6) | +10% Damage per upgrade | Found by scanning sniper rifle on Korlus Found by scanning the Cerberus rifle on the derelict Reaper Found in the factory district on the Citadel Delivery pickup at the Shadow Broker Base (Shadow Broker DLC) Purchased from Omega Market Purchased from Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel | 2500-10000 Platinum |
Submachinegun Damage (1-6) | +10% Damage per upgrade | Found at merc camp outside Archangel's base on Omega Found on dead merc in Dantius tower on Illium Found on Illium while helping Miranda Delivery pickup at the Shadow Broker Base (Shadow Broker DLC) Purchased from Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium | 2500-10000 Iridium |
Assault Rifle Penetration | +25% Damage vs. Armor/Shields/Barriers | Requires Assault Rifle Damage 2 | 15000 Iridium |
AP Heavy Pistol | +50% Damage vs. Armor | Requires Heavy Pistol Damage 2 | 15000 Palladium |
Shotgun Shield Piercing | +50% Damage vs. Shields/Barriers | Requires Shotgun Damage 2 | 15000 Platinum |
AP Sniper Rifle | +50% Damage vs. Armor | Requires Sniper Rifle Damage 2 | 15000 Platinum |
SMG Shield Piercing | +50% Damage vs. Shields/Barriers | Requires Submachinegun Damage 2 | 15000 Iridium |
Assault Rifle Accuracy | Unspecified accuracy bonus | Requires Assault Rifle Damage 3 | 25000 Iridium |
Heavy Pistol Damage (1-5) | 2x Damage (sometimes) | Requires Heavy Pistol Damage 3 | 25000 Palladium |
Shotgun Extra Rounds | 2x capacity | Requires Shotgun Damage 3 | 25000 Platinum |
Sniper Headshot Damage | +50% Headshot Damage | Requires Sniper Rifle Damage 3 | 25000 Platinum |
SMG Extra Rounds | +50% capacity | Requires Submachinegun Damage 3 | 25000 Iridium |
Name | Effect | Where to Get | Cost |
Biotic Damage (1-6) | +10% Biotic Damage per upgrade | Found on dead Collector on Horizon Found in Eclipse base on Illium Found in research terminal on Pragia Found in research terminal on Kopis (Firewalker DLC) Purchased from Serrice Technology on Illium Purchased from Fortack's Database on Tuchanka | 500-2000 Element Zero |
Damage Protection (1-6) | +10% Shields/Barriers/Armor per upgrade | Found on YMIR mech corpse on Purgatory Found by accessing control terminal on Collector ship Found on Canalus Found at the Azure hotel on Illium (Shadow Broker DLC) Purchased from Saronis Applications on the Citadel Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium | 2500-10500 Palladium |
Medi-Gel Capacity (1-5) | +1 Capacity per upgrade | Found in Mordin's clinic on Omega Found by scanning dead merc while helping Miranda on Illium Reward for completing Serrice Ice Brandy assignment Purchased from Sirta Foundation on the Citadel Purchased from Serrice Technology on Illium | 2500-7500 Platinum |
Tech Damage (1-6) | +10% Tech Damage per upgrade | Found on ground floor of Archangel's base on Omega Found by accessing control terminal on Collector ship Found on dead merc on Beckenstein (Kasumi DLC) Reward for representing Tali at her trial Purchased from Saronis Applications on the Citadel Purchased from Serrice Technology on the Citadel | 500-2000 Element Zero |
Biotic Duration | +20% Biotic Duration | Requires Biotic Damage 2 | 3000 Element Zero |
Redundant Field Generator | Instantly restores shields sometimes | Requires Damage Protection 2 | 15000 Palladium |
Trauma Module | Unity heals squad to full health | Requires Medi-Gel Capacity 2 | 15000 Platinum |
Tech Duration | +20% Tech Duration | Requires Tech Damage 2 | 3000 Element Zero |
Biotic Cooldown | -20% Biotic Cooldown Time | Requires Biotic Damage 3 | 5000 Element Zero |
Hard Shields | +20% Shield Damage Absorption (Shepard only) | Requires Damage Protection 3 | 25000 Palladium |
Emergency Shielding | Unity restores squad shields to full strength | Requires Medi-Gel Capacity 3 | 25000 Platinum |
Tech Cooldowns | -20% Tech Cooldown Time | Requires Tech Damage 3 | 5000 Element Zero |
Name | Effect | Where to Get | Cost |
Heavy Weapon Ammo (1-6) | +15% capacity per upgrade | Found on damaged mech on Freedom's Progress Found at Blood Pack base on Zada Ban Found in Weyrloc base on Tuchanka Found in research station on Zorya (Paragon path only) Purchased from Kenn's Salvage on Omega Purchased from Ratch's Wares on Tuchanka | 2500-10000 Iridium |
ML-77 Missile Launcher | New Weapon | Requires Heavy Weapon Ammo 1 | 5000 Iridium |
M-622 Avalanche | New Weapon | Requires Heavy Weapon Ammo 2 | 15000 Iridium |
M-920 Cain | New Weapon | Requires Heavy Weapon Ammo 3 | 25000 Iridium |
Name | Effect | Where to Get | Cost |
Heavy Skin Weave (1-6) | +10% Health per upgrade (Shepard only) | Found on dead Collector on Horizon Found in research terminal on derelict Reaper Found on MSV Strontium Mule Found in Atlas Station on Aite (Overlord DLC) Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium Purchased from Kenn's Salvage on Omega | 2500-10000 Palladium |
Heavy Bone Weave | +50% Melee Damage Absorption (Shepard only) | Requires Heavy Skin Weave 2 | 15000 Palladium |
Heavy Muscle Weave | More powerful melee attack (Shepard only) | Requires Heavy Skin Weave 3 | 25000 Palladium |
Name | Effect | Where to Get | Cost |
Geth Shield Strength (1-2) | +25% shield strength per upgrade (Legion only) | Found by hacking monitor on migrant ship Alarei Found on heretic station | 2500-5000 Platinum |
Geth Sniper Rifle | Adds Widow Sniper Rifle (Legion only) | Suggested by Legion | 15000 Platinum |
Krogan Vitality (1-2) | +25% Health per upgrade (Grunt only) | Found in Okeer's lab on Korlus Found in Weyrloc base on Tuchanka | 2500-5000 Platinum |
Krogan Shotgun | Adds Claymore Heavy Shotgun (Grunt only) | Suggested by Grunt | 15000 Platinum |
Mordin Omni-tool | +20% Tech Damage (Mordin only) | Suggested by Mordin | 3000 Element Zero |
Subject Zero Biotic Boost | +20% Biotic Damage (Jack only) | Suggested by Jack | 3000 Element Zero |
Name | Effect | Where to Get | Cost |
Retrain Powers | Allows Shepard to reallocate talent points | Unlocked after completing Horizon | 2500 Element Zero |
Advanced Training | Allows Shepard to learn a bonus power | Unlocked after completing a loyalty mission or importing an ME1 file | 5000 Element Zero |
Name | Effect | Where to Get | Cost |
Bypass Module | 2x Bypass Time Limit | Purchasable from Serrice Technology on Illium | 25000-30000 Credits |
Hack Module | 2x Hack Time Limit | Purchasable from Harrot's Emporium on Omega | 25000-30000 Credits |
Name | Effect | Where to Get | Cost |
Advanced Mineral Scanner | Speeds up planet scanning | Suggested by Miranda | 15000 Iridium |
Extended Fuel Cells | +50% Fuel Capacity | Suggested by Samara | 3000 Element Zero |
Heavy Ship Armor | Designed to withstand a Collector ship's weapons | Suggested by Jacob | 15000 Palladium |
Med-Bay Upgrade | Allows healing of facial scars | Suggested by Dr. Chakwas in a private message | 50000 Platinum |
Modular Probe Bay | +100% probe capacity | Suggested by Thane | 15000 Iridium |
Multicore Shielding | Should survive a Collector attack | Suggested by Tali | 15000 Palladium |
Thanix Cannon | Powerful enough to destroy a Collector ship | Suggested by Garrus | 15000 Platinum |
last modified 29 June 2013