Mass Effect 1 | Mass Effect 2 |
From the Main Menu, choose Configuration, then Save Games, then Copy Mass Effect 2 Save Games. Then browse to where on your computer those are (normally C:\Users\Username\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save\). Then once you're in the game, choose Import ME2 Character. You can then change Shepard's appearance and class, and add a bonus power.
If you don't have a save game to import yourself, you can use someone else's save files from
Bonuses for importing a Mass Effect 2 character:
Whatever level your character was in ME2
The talent points you had distributed
All the powers you had chosen
15% of your Paragon and Renegade Points
New Game Plus Bonuses:
After you've beaten the game, you may import a Mass Effect 3 Save:
Reputation and Paragon/Renegade stats carry over.
All Weapons carry over and current Weapon Modifications, but mods must be reequipped.
All Body Armor carries over.
All Credits carry over.
All Fish and Models you previously found are collected.
Your current level carries over, and Skill Points can be reassigned
Weapons can be upgraded past Level V (5). Weapons found in game can now be upgraded two more levels by finding the weapon again. Weapons not found in the game such as the starting pistol can be upgraded to X (10).
Any Squad Member special power can be selected during character creation.
Shepard's face can be changed.
Type | Power Training | Weight Capacity | Ammo Training |
Soldier | Adrenaline Rush, Combat Mastery | 20-100 | Incendiary |
Engineer | Combat Drone, IncinerateTech Mastery | 10-50 | none |
Adept | Singularity, Warp, Singularity, Biotic Mastery | 10-50 | none |
Infiltrator | Tactical Cloak, Operational Mastery | 15-70 | Disruptor |
Vanguard | Biotic Charge, Assault Mastery | 15-70 | Incendiary |
Sentinel | Tech Armor, Throw, Offensive Mastery | 15-70 | none |
Biotic Mastery | Increase Weight Capacity |
Tech Mastery | Increase Power Damage and Duration, and Weight Capacity |
Operational Mastery | Increase Weight Capacity and Time Dilation |
Offensive Mastery | Increase Power Damage and Duration, and Weight Capacity |
Combat Mastery | Increase Power Damage and Duration, Health, Weapon Damage, Storm Speed |
Assault Mastery | Increase Power Damage, Weapon Damage, and Weight Capacity |
Adrenaline Rush | Slows down time, increases Weapon Damage |
Concussive Shot | A single, powerful shot |
Fitness | Increases stats complementary to a specific class |
Cryo Ammo | Freezes enemies, increases damage done against a frozen enemy |
Disruptor Ammo | Increases Damage against Shields and Synthetics |
Incendiary Ammo | Burns through armor, sets enemies on fire, and damages health |
Cluster Grenade | Breaks apart and knocks enemies off their feet |
Frag Grenade | Throws shrapnel over the blast area |
Lift Grenade | Causes targets to float in the air |
Sticky Grenade | Sticks to the target |
Nova | Converts a biotic barrier into a short-range shockwave |
Biotic Charge | Ram into an enemy, causing damage and knocking an enemy back |
Pull | Target floats towards you |
Shockwave | Area knockback and damage |
Singularity | Enemies near the sphere float around it |
Throw | Throws targets away from you |
Warp | Damages enemy targets and stops health regeneration, detonates any biotic powers already affecting the target causing further damage, effective against armor and biotic barriers |
Sabotage | Turns synthetics over to your side for a short time, causes weapons to overheat |
Combat Drone | Spawns a drone to attack enemies |
Cryo Blast | Causes cold damage to enemies |
Tech Armor | Generates extra energy armor, and detonates when destroyed |
Incinerate | Causes area fire damage |
Sentry Turret | Deploy an immobile heavy turret for a short time |
Overload | Causes area damage to shields and synthetics |
Tactical Cloak | You're invisible for a short time |
Inferno Grenade | Ashley | Cluster-bomb a small area with incendiary munitions |
Marksman | Ashley | Boost weapon accuracy and firing rate for a short time |
Proximity Mine | Garrus | Fire this sticky mine into traffic. It will detonate when an enemy steps within range |
Fortification | James | Reinforce armor using protective Foucault currents. Purge the current and send its charge to your gauntlets for increased melee damage. Slows power usage by 60% |
Carnage | James | Rip a target to shreds with this vicious blast. Major collateral damage to enemies nearby. Effective against armor. |
Armor Piercing Ammo | Garrus | Extra damage against armor and against unprotected enemies |
Warp Ammo | Liara | Blast vulnerable opponents already lifted by biotics for a damage bonus, and weaken the armor of grounded targets |
Defense Matrix | EDI | Reinforce armor with protective Foucault currents. Purge the currents to restore shields |
Decoy | EDI | a hologram copy appears approximately 3-5m away. This hologram mimics the activator's appearance and movements but does not actually move, nor does it actually attack |
Defense Drone | Tali | Electrocutes enemies within its firing range |
Energy Drain | Tali | Hit an enemy with this energy pulse to inflict damage and to steal barrier and shield power. |
Stasis | Liara | Stop an enemy in its tracks with this powerful mass effect field. No effect on armored targets. Enemies eventually break out of Stasis after taking major damage |
Barrier | Kaidan | Reinforce armor with this biotic field. Detonate the field to lift and dangle nearby targets. Reduce all forms of damage taken. Slows power use by 50% |
Reave | Kaidan | Drain target's health and disrupt their , receiving increased damage protection while this power is in effect. |
Slam | Javik | Deal massive damage with a biotic body slam |
Dark Channel | Javik | Plague an opponent with a persistent, damaging biotic field. Effect transfers to a second target if the first is killed. Only one field may be active at a time. |
Dominate | Leviathan DLC | Disrupt the synaptic harmonics of an organic brain so it can't differentiate between friend and foe. A single affected target will fight on your side for a short time |
Lash | Aria | Latch this biotic field onto enemies to jerk them towards you, doing massive damage in the process |
Flare | Aria | Focus and expend all biotic energy to unleash a huge flare that throws enemies within its range, causing massive damage. |
last modified 6 April 2018