Nightsolo's Mass Effect 3 Codex Entries
Accessible from the Mission Computer, these have a lot of background information about the game. Here's how to find them in the game.
Primary Codex Entries
- Aliens: Council Species
- Asari - Start a new game.
- Salarians - Start a new game.
- Turians - Start a new game.
- Aliens: Extinct Species
- Protheans - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Aliens: Non-Council Races
- Batarians - Start a new game.
- Drell - Start a new game.
- Elcor - Start a new game.
- Geth - Start a new game.
- Hanar - Start a new game.
- Keepers - Start a new game.
- Krogan - Start a new game.
- Quarians - Start a new game.
- Volus - Start a new game.
- Aliens:Nonsapient Creatures
- Thresher Maws - During Priority: Tuchanka, gained automatically as you notice some earthquakes in the ruins underground.
- Citadel and Galactic Government
- Citadel - Gained automatically during prologue on Earth.
- Spectres - Gained automatically during prologue on Earth.
- Humanity and the Systems Alliance
- Councilor Donnel Udina - Gained automatically after Priority: Citadel I.
- Earth - Start a new game.
- Rise of the Alliance - Gained automatically upon arrival on the Citadel.
- Systems Alliance - Start a new game.
- Known Associates
- Steven Hackett - Start a new game.
- Ashley Williams - Start a new game.
- David Anderson - Start a new game.
- Dr. Karin Chakwas - Talk to Dr. Chakwas on the Citadel: Huerta Hospital.
- Dr. Liara T'Soni - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Dr. Mordin Solus - Assuming he survived ME2, meet Mordin during Priority Sur'Kesh.
- EDI - After Priority: Palaven, go down to the AI core and meet EDI's new body.
- Garrus Vakarian - Meet Garrus during Priority: Palaven, assuming he survived ME2.
- Kaidan Alenko - Start a new game.
- Jacob Taylor - Assuming he survived ME2, meet him during Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists.
- Jeff "Joker" Moreau - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Miranda Lawson - Meet her on the Citadel after Priority: Palaven, assuming she survived ME2.
- Tali'Zorah - Gained automatically after docking with the Quarian Envoy Ship at the start of Priority: Geth Dreadnought.
- Organizations
- Cerberus - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Cerberus: The Illusive Man - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Planets and Locations
- Gellix - Obtain the Mission Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists.
- Grissom Academy - Obtain the Mission "Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation."
- Lesuss - Return to the Normandy after Priority: Citadel II.
- Menae - Gained automatically after Priority: Citadel I.
- Palaven - Gained automatically after Priority: Citadel I.
- Rannoch - Complete Priority Geth Dreadnaught.
- Sur'Kesh - Arrive on Sur'Kesh.
- Thessia - Gain the Mission Priority: Thessia.
- Tuchanka - Complete Attivan Traverse: Krogan Team.
- The Reapers
- Brute - Kill a Brute.
- Banshee - Kill a Banshee.
- Brute - Kill a Brute.
- Cannibal - Gained automatically during prologue on Earth.
- Harbinger - Start a new game.
- Harvester - Kill a Harvester.
- Husk - Gained automatically during prologue on Earth.
- Indoctrination - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Marauder - Kill a Marauder.
- Ravager - Kill a Ravager.
- Reaper Variants - Gained automatically after Priority: Citadel I.
- The Reapers - Start a new game.
- Sovereign - Start a new game.
- Ships and Vehicles
- Normandy SR-2 - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Normandy Armor Upgrade: Silaris Armor - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars, if this was obtained during ME2.
- Normandy Shield Upgrade: Cyclonic Barrier Technology - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars, if this was obtained during ME2.
- Normandy: Thanix Magneto-Hydrodynamic Cannon - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars, if this was obtained during ME2.
- UT-47A Kodiak - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Technology
- Biotics - Start a new game.
- The Crucible - Gained automatically after Priority: Sur'Kesh.
- Element Zero ("Eezo") - Start a new game.
- The Genophage - Gained automatically during Priority: Palaven.
- The Genophage Cure - Complete Attivan Traverse: Krogan Team.
- Mass Effect Fields - Start a new game.
- Mass Relays - Start a new game.
- Medi-Gel - Start a new game.
- Omni-tool - Start a new game.
- Weapons, Armor and Equipment
- Blackstar - Pick one up and use it.
- Geth Spitfire - Pick one up.
- M-560 Hydra - Pick one up.
- M-920 Cain - Pick one up.
- Omni-Tool Weapons - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
Secondary Codex Entries
- Aliens: Council Races
- Asari: Ardat-Yakshi - Land on Lessus during Lessus: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery.
- Aliens: Extinct Races
- Rachni - Start a new game.
- Aliens: Non-Council Races
- Collectors - Start a new game.
- Krogan: Ancient History - Gained automatically during Priority: Palaven
- Krogan: Krogan Rebellions - Gained automatically during Priority: Palaven
- Varren - Start a new game.
- Vorcha - Start a new game.
- Yahg - Start a new game.
- Citadel and Galactic Government
- Citadel Council - Gained automatically after Priority: Citadel I.
- Citadel Space - Gained automatically after Priority: Citadel I.
- The Darkness Breached: Leviathan's Secrets
- Non-Council Races: Leviathan - Complete the Leviathan DLC.
- Humanity and the Systems Alliance
- Alliance News Network - Talk to Diana Allers on the Citadel: Docking Bay, during your first visit.
- First Contact War - Start a new game.
- ME Timeline - Start a new game.
- Systems Alliance: Special Operations - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Mass Effect 3: From Ashes
- Planets and Locations: Eden Prime - Land on Eden Prime. (From Ashes DLC)
- Technology: Prothean Beacon - Land on Eden Prime. (From Ashes DLC)
- Omega Reclaimed: Omega's Secrets
- Aria T'Loak - Land on Omega.
- Cerberus Occupation of Omega - Land on Omega.
- Cerberus: Adjutant - Kill an Adjutant.
- Cerberus: General Oleg Petrovsky - Land on Omega.
- Cerberus: Rampart Mech - Encounter a Rampart Mech.
- Nyreen Kandros - Gained automatically when you meet up with Nyreen the second time.
- Turian Cabals - Talk to Nyreen during your second visit to Aria's Bunker.
- Organizations
- Cerberus: Atlas - Destroy an Atlas.
- Cerberus: Centurion - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Cerberus: Engineer - Kill a Cerberus Engineer.
- Cerberus: Guardian - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Cerberus: Nemesis - Kill a Cerberus Nemesis.
- Cerberus: Phantom - Kill a Phantom.
- Cerberus: Trooper - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- Mercenaries: The Blood Pack - After Priority: Palaven, Talk to Aria T'Loak in the Purgatory Bar on the Citadel.
- Mercenaries: The Blue Suns - After Priority: Palaven, Talk to Aria T'Loak in the Purgatory Bar on the Citadel.
- Mercenaries: Eclipse - After Priority: Palaven, Talk to Aria T'Loak in the Purgatory Bar on the Citadel.
- Planets and Locations
- Aeia - Start a new game.
- Benning - Aquire the Mission N7: Cerberus Abductions.
- Cyone - Acquire the Mission N7: Fuel Reactors.
- Feros - Start a new game.
- Freedom's Progress - Start a new game.
- Haestrom - Start a new game.
- Illium - Start a new game.
- Ilos - Start a new game.
- Korlus - Start a new game.
- The Migrant Fleet - Start a new game.
- Noveria - Start a new game.
- Omega - Start a new game.
- Ontarom - Obtain the Mission N7: Communication Hub.
- The Perseus Veil - Start a new game.
- Pragia - Start a new game.
- Rakhana - Start a new game.
- Sanctum - Talk to Specialist Samantha Traynor on the Normandy, and ask her about stuff.
- Terminus Systems - Start a new game.
- Virmire - Start a new game.
- The Reaper War
- The Battle of Palaven - Gained automatically during Priority: Palaven
- The Battle of Rannoch - Complete Priority: Rannoch.
- The Cerberus Coup - Return to the Normandy after Priority: Citadel II.
- Desperate Measures - Do the interview with Diana Allers after Priority: Rannoch.
- The Fall of Earth - Gained automatically during prologue on Mars.
- The Fall of Khar'shan - Start a new game.
- The Fall of Taetrus - Gained automatically after Priority: Citadel I.
- The Fall of Thessia - Complete Priority: Thessia.
- The Miracle at Palaven - Complete Priority Geth Dreadnaught.
- The Reapers
- Harvesting -
- Reaper Capabilities - Gained automatically after Priority: Citadel I.
- Reaper Vulnerabilities - Start Priority: Tuchanka.
- Ships and Vehicles
- FTL Drive - Start a new game.
- Military Ship Classifications - Start a new game.
- Normandy SR-1 - Start a new game.
- Space Combat - Start a new game.
- Technology
- Artifacts - Start a new game.
- Computers: Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Start a new game.
- Computers: Virtual Intelligence (VI) - Start a new game.
- The Shroud - Complete Attivan Traverse: Krogan Team.
- Weapons, Armor and Equipment
- Body Armor - Start a new game.
- Kinetic Barriers ("Shields") - Start a new game.
- Mass Accelerators - Start a new game.
- Small Arms - Start a new game.
- Tech Armor & Fortification - Start a new game.
last modified 14 July 2013