Nightsolo's Mass Effect Weapons

Assault Rifles

NameWhere to Get
Adas Anti-Synthetic RifleFirefight DLC
Cerberus HarrierFirefight DLC
Chakram LauncherOmega DLC
Collector Assault RifleRetaliation DLC
Geth Pulse RifleElkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies Shop
M-7 LancerCitadel: Shore Leave DLC, in the Archives
M-8 AvengerPrologue: Earth
M-15 VindicatorKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Priority: Mars
M-37 FalconKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Priority: Cerberus Headquarters
M-55 ArgusPreorder Bonus or Leviathan DLC
M-76 RevenantKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Priority: The Citadel II
M-96 MattockKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation
M-99 SaberDuring Priority: Horizon
N7 TyphoonGroundside Resistance DLC
N7 ValkyrieN7 Warfare Gear Preorder DLC or Omega DLC
Particle RifleDuring Priority: Eden Prime
PhaestonCipritine Armory Shop; or during Tuchanka: Turian Platoon
Striker Assault RifleGroundside Resistance DLC



NameWhere to Get
AT-12 RaiderLeviathan DLC
DiscipleNos Astra Sporting Goods Shop, or during Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery
Geth Plasma ShotgunElkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies Shop; or duing Priority: Rannoch
Graal Spike ThrowerCipritine Armory Shop; or during Priority: Rannoch
M-11 WraithSpectre Requisitions Shop
M-22 EvisceratorBatarian State Arms Shop; or during Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation
M-23 KatanaPriority: Mars
M-27 ScimitarKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Priority: Palaven
M-300 ClaymoreCipritine Armory Shop; or during Attican Traverse: Krogan Team
N7 CrusaderN7 Collector's Edition DLC or multiplayer
N7 PiranhaGroundside Resistance DLC
Reegar CarbineFirefight DLC
Venom ShotgunGroundside Resistance DLC


Heavy Pistols

NameWhere to Get
AcolyteGroundside Resistance DLC
Arc PistolElkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies Shop; or duing Priority: Geth Dreadnought
Executioner PistolGroundside Resistance DLC
M-3 PredatorPrologue: Earth
M-5 PhalanxKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Priority: Tuchanka
M-6 CarnifexKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists
M-11 SuppressorCitadel: Shore Leave DLC, in the Sushi Restaurant
M-77 PaladinSpectre Requisitions Shop
M-358 TalonDuring Priority: The Citadel II
N7 EagleN7 Collector's Edition DLC or multiplayer
ScorpionAegohr Munitions Shop; or during Priority: Sur'Kesh


Submachine Guns

NameWhere to Get
Blood Pack PunisherFirefight DLC
Collector SMGRetaliation DLC
Geth Plasma SMGFirefight DLC
M-4 Shuriken During Priority: Mars
M-9 TempestKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Tuchanka: Turian Platoon
M-12 LocustKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Priority: Horizon
M-25 HornetBatarian State Arms Shop; or during Priority: The Citadel II
N7 HurricaneN7 Collector's Edition Pack or multiplayer


Sniper Rifles

NameWhere to Get
Black WidowSpectre Requisitions Shop
Collector Sniper RifleRetaliation DLC
JavelinElkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies Shop; or duing Rannoch: Admiral Koris
Kishock Harpoon GunGroundside Resistance DLC
Krysae Sniper RifleFirefight DLC
M-13 RaptorBatarian State Arms Shop; or during Priority: Sur'Kesh
M-29 IncisorKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Tuchanka: Bomb
M-90 IndraFirefight DLC
M-92 MantisDuring Priority: Mars
M-97 ViperKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Priority: Palaven
M-98 WidowKassa Fabrication Shop; or during Priority: Thessia
N7 Valiant N7 Collector's Edition Pack or multiplayer


Heavy Weapons

Heavy weapons are only available in the field, and you'll drop them once their ammo is empty. If you swap to another weapon, the Heavy will drop to the ground and will usually remain available to pick up again.
NameWhere to Get
Cobra Missile LauncherMultiplayer only
Geth Combat SoftwareDuring Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons
Geth SpitfireDuring both Rannoch: Admiral Koris, and Priority: Rannoch
M-451 FirestormDuring Attican Traverse: Krogan Team
M-560 HydraDuring Tuchanka: Bomb, Priority: Thessia, Priority: Earth, Despoina: Leviathan DLC, and Omega: Aria T'Loak DLC
M-920 CainDuring Priority: Earth
Reaper BlackstarDuring Priority: Palaven, Tuchanka: Turian Platoon, and Mahavid: Leviathan DLC
Sync LaserDuring Priority: Rannoch

last modified 6 April 2018