Mission 1 - Bughouse I

Strike Team Assembly:
This mission should be a milk run. That's if you have already gone through the training school scenario. What you need to do is just walk around the map and kill every bug and bughole that you can find. There are five bugholes that you need to destroy. There's also a Plasma bug that you're told to ignore, But go ahead and kill it with your Artillery.

Once you have destroyed all the holes, the Fleet Liaison, Ensign DeSilva will inform you that there is a general retreat issued, and ask you to go the the retrieval point. First, make sure the whole map is clear of bugs, as this will maximize your experience. In the southwest corner there are some bugs across a river. Position your troops along the edge and you can have your Artillery group kill them from a distance.

Once you're sure the area is clear, head for the Retrieval Zone (a big green R in a circle on the ground) or hit R and you'll head there automatically. Don't stand in the RZ or the ship won't be able to land. Call for a retrieval ship (ALT + R or blue icon in the HUD). When it arrives, hit R to board, or put your pointer over the ship and click when it turns into a green hand.

This page last modified 2 May 2004