Mission 11 - Hell's Razor

Strike Team Assembly:
From your LZ, the only way to go is east, then north. Take out bugs on the way, but steer clear of the valley to the east. There are a bunch of bugholes in the walls down there, and you can't get to them, but the Warrior bugs can climb up the walls. As you approach the bridge in the middle of the map, it collapses, Once at the far north, you'll go across a bridge (this one stays up), and you'll meet up with Major Bishop, Sargent Nixon, and four more Cap Troopers. The Hoppers that have been pestering you will finally attack here, so put two of the Cap troopers on the Guns nearby and they'll help. Once they're dead, heal, reload, and regroup your strike team.

Your new task is to get to the Nine Cloud Mountain Base (waypoint on the map). You'll see some Warrior and Plasma bugs as you go, but ignore them for now. Continue east, and around to the right/south. Warriors will attack from a bughole in the canyon below, so try to get across the bridge in the distance as fast as you can.

On the other side, in the distance is a Brain bug. Use an Air Strike on it. Head up the ramp and through a narrow passage. You can take out some Hoppers on the ground from a distance with your Artillery. Lots of Bomber bugs attack you through this narrow passage, so keep a close eye on your strike team's health bars. You'll be attacked again by Warriors streaming out of a bughole in the valley below, so run past them to meet up with Colonel Schmidt, of Company J.

The Colonel tells you you need to head to the Bio Weapons Lab in the north. Now's a good time to sweep the map of bugs. There's very little ammo on this map, so take your time and be careful. From Nine Cloud Mountain Base, head back the way you came, and cross the bridge to the east.

On the other side, head right/south, and down into the valley. Now head north through the valley, then go west, under a bridge, and into the valley you avoided at the start of the mission. Take out Warriors, Plasmas, and bugholes along the way. When you clear up that portion, you'll probably be very low on ammo. If you're out of Artillery, head all the way back around to where you met up with Major Bishop and the Cap troopers.

Whatever you decide, get to the southeast corner of the map, and head north, taking the east-most path. Watch out for a Tanker that appears on your way. Use your last Air Strike on the Brain Bug ahead, then reload at the Ammo Dump. Go across the bridge to the north, then right/east and down into the valley. Finish off any bugs and bugholes that you left in this portion of the valley, then go back up the bridge to the Bio Weapons Lab.

You'll be attacked by Hoppers near the Bio Lab. Heal up while Major Bishop goes inside. When he comes out, he'll ask for a volunteer to meet him at the base entrance for a suicide mission. Choose one of the new Cap Troopers. Read the Objective Text in the upper left of your screen if you need help. Then head for the RZ. After you're picked up, Boom!

This page last modified 2 May 2004