Mission 12 - Invisible Fist

Strike Team Assembly:
Your first task is to kill all the Plasma Bugs. From your LZ, follow the road, as that's the only way you can go. As you approach the Ammo Dump, some Chameleons will attack you. Kill them and reload. You'll see the first Plasma bug. Destroy it, then go down towards the carcass and take out the bugs and bugholes down there. Turn around before you come to the Brain bug.

Go back up the hill the way you came, and you'll see some more Plasma bugs in the distance. Take them out. At the intersection, go left/north, and take out the two Plasma bugs there, along with all the bugs and bugholes in the area. Watch for Spitters and Chameleons.

Before heading into the Outpost, backtrack to the intersection, and follow the road east then south for the last Plasma bug. Reload at the nearby Ammo Dump. Colonel Juanita Chaplin asks you to pick up a MISt suit. Head back to where you killed the first Plasma bug, and continue south down the canyon to some wreckage, as indicated by the Waypoint in the map. A dude is already wearing the MISt, and will join your team. Major Bishop insists on rescuing the Colonel. The volcano then explodes. Despite any warnings, you can take your time with the rest of the mission, and clear out the remaining bugs.

From here, go west towards the river of lava, and take out the Brain bug with your MISt's Snipe ability. When you hit N or click the icon, it switches to a 1st person view with a cross hair. It takes some getting used to, but you can kill any smaller bug with one shot, and at any distance as long as you can see it.

Now head back around to where you killed the last Plasma bug. Go south from there and take out a Brain. Go north from there and you'll come across another road. Steer below and to the left/west of it, and you'll find another Brain on the east side of the bridge. When that Brain is done for, go back up and onto the road, and cross the bridge, heading north. Watch for some Chameleon bugs as you pass the airport. Continue north into the Outpost and rendezvous with Colonel Chaplin. Before you head for retrieval, go west a short ways, where you'll find a Brain in a gully. Move around to the north of it, and use your MISt to Snipe it. Now you can go home.

This page last modified 2 May 2004