Mission 16 - Mindsnare

Strike Team Assembly:
Colonel Cheng is waiting for you right next to your LZ, so go meet up with him. Follow the road to a bridge, killing bugs as you go. While on the first bridge, the Colonel will speak. Stop there and use his Psychic Ability to detect some Chameleon bugs near the Ammo Dump on the small island ahead of you. Kill them and reload your ammo.

As you reach the mainland, you'll be informed of some Tech Engineers who need rescue. A bughole will appear near their retrieval point, so take it out and protect the engineers as they depart. You'll be up on a mesa, and you should be able to see the egg cluster from here. Unfortunately, your Nuke trooper won't hit it from here, so use an Air Strike on it. This will also take out the Brain bug hiding to the south of the Egg Cluster. Go back to the road and follow it around to the south. When you come around the bend, a Tanker will appear.

As you come to the destroyed Egg Cluster, a bughole will appear inside it. Destroy it and move around to the right and rejoin the road. Soon after, Colonel Cheng will warn of something bad about to happen. Continue on and Ensign Barrie will tell you that another Egg Cluster is on your way. It'll crash into the power generator for the school, and take out the largest cactus in the universe(!). Continue straight west thorough the valley ahead, and take out a Brain bug at the end of the canyon.

Next, go back to the road and follow it, taking out bugs and bugholes as you go. Reload at the Ammo Dump before crossing the bridge, and prepare for a tough fight.

Head for the waypoint on your TAC map. When you get there, follow the road a little way past it to finish reloading your Ammo. As a truck arrives to pick up the students, a lot of bugholes will appear. Take out the one behind the Academy quickly, then move your strike team out in front of the truck. Take out the Tanker, and the nearby bugholes. Once the area is clear, move the trucks the same way you did in the Paradise Lost mission. The trucks don't have very far to go here, just to the northwest corner of the map. Some bugholes will appear in the mean time.

Once the students are safely gone, Fleet will give you a new Retrieval point, right next to the ones the trucks left from. You'll also have a 2 minute time limit until they Nova the whole area, so call for retrieval quick, and don't stray too far. More bugholes will pop up. Do your best to defend your strike team. Take out a bughole or two if you can, but make sure you board the Dropship before time runs out.

This page last modified 2 May 2004