After a while, Ensign DeSilva will tell you about the missing tech team. Head towards their beacon. When you get there, you discover they're zombies, and you have to kill them. Reload from the nearby Ammo Dump, and continue a short ways until the tunnel opens up into a huge open area on your left. You get a cut-scene of the Queen, and she's huge! Take your team to the indicated spots, and use your Nova Bombs, one at a time, just like you did at the beginning of the Recovery mission (14). You brought extras just in case you felt careless (this is the last mission) and let a bunch of troopers die.
Once all the bombs are placed, you can stick around for the rest of the time and kill bugs, or just head to the Ambrose Teleporter and leave. This teleporter stone is different, in that you don't have to place your whole strike team on it, or even activate it. Just put your cursor over the far side of it, and click when it turns in to a green hand. Or just hit R.
Mission Accomplished !!!
Don't forget to watch the End Sequence. It loads like a regular mission.
This page last modified 2 May 2004