Instructions for making a custom campaign screen background
Note that this will not be an animated background.
Required software:
- With your image editing software, make one large image, 1024x768 pixels
- Break it into four seperate files:
- The top portions will each need to be 512x512 pixels
- The bottom portions will each need to be 512x256 pixels
- Save all four as .tga, 32 bit, and name them thusly:
- Credits-Loading-BotLeft.tga
- Credits-Loading-BotRight.tga
- Credits-Loading-TopLeft.tga
- Credits-Loading-TopRight.tga
- Open each image in Wc3 Image Extractor II, and in turn save them as .blp, using the same name as the .tga's
- example: Credits-Loading-BotLeft.blp
- In the World Editor's Campaign Editor, import all four .blp's
- Change the path to read:
- UI\glues\loading\backgrounds\load-credits\
- example: UI\glues\loading\backgrounds\load-credits\Credits-Loading-BotLeft.blp
- On the Loading Screen tab, under Background Screen, choose Game Screen
- Scroll down the list and choose Loading-Credits
Example files and images forthcoming.
last modified 14 May 2005