Instructions on how to make custom images for the bottom right of the score screens after each mission
Required software:
- Make an image with your image editing software at 512x512 pixels
- Save it with whatever name you want, as a .tga, 32bit
- Open your .tga in Wc3 Image Viewer II
- Save the image as a .blp, with one of the following names, depending on which screen:
- scorescreen-defeat.blp
- scorescreen-humanvictoryexpansion.blp
- scorescreen-orcvictoryexpansion.blp
- Import it into the Import Manager, in the World Editor and give it the following path, depending on which screen:
- UI\Glues\ScoreScreen\ScoreScreen-Defeat\scorescreen-defeat.blp
- UI\Glues\ScoreScreen\ScoreScreen-HumanVictoryExpansion\scorescreen-humanvictoryexpansion.blp
- UI\Glues\ScoreScreen\ScoreScreen-OrcVictoryExpansion\scorescreen-orcvictoryexpansion.blp
Example files and images forthcoming.
last modified 14 May 2005