Instructions for importing sounds and music into Warcraft 3 Maps
Required software:
- Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne
- Blizzard's Warcraft 3 World Editor
- The latest patch for the game
- A sound editor like Power Sound Editor
Note: Each map's file size limit is 8mb. So if you have a huge sound file that'll take you over that, import it in the Campaign Editor instead. You can still reference the file in the individual map.
Instructions for Replacing Exitsting Unit or Event Sounds:
- Sounds must be formatted Mono, 22kHz, 16bit, .wav
- To replace unit sounds, open the Sound Editor within the World Editor
- Find the sound you want to replace in the left pane, right-click it, and choose Replace Internal Sound
- Browse to the new sound file you want, and open it.
- Play it within the Sound Editor to double-check that it works
Instructions for Using a Custom Sound by Itself:
- To use a sound in a map by itself (like with triggers), Open the World Editor and use the Import Manager to import your sound(s)
- In the Sound Editor, find the file you imported towards the bottom of the left pane
- Right-click your imported sound and choose Use as Sound
- In the Triggers Editor, be sure to have an action that sets the volume of your sound at 100%, before the trigger that plays the sound.
Instructions for Using Custom Music:
- Music must be formatted Stereo, 44kHz, .mp3
- Replace music the same way you replace sounds
- Use music in a map the same way you do sounds
Instructions for Removing Custom Sounds or Music:
- Open up the Sound Editor
- Find the sound or music you want to reset under Imported Sound or Imported Music and delete it
- Ok the Confirmation Dialog
- Open the Import Manager and verify the Sound/Music file is deleted there as well
- Save and close the map
- Re-open and re-test the map
Example files and images forthcoming.
last modified 14 May 2005