Nightsolo's The Witcher 1 Side Quests


Chapter I

A Game of Dice

How to Get: Pick up any Dice Box from a corpse.
How to Complete: Talk to Zoltan in the Inn after you rescue him and ask him about the item.

The Barghest Contract

How to Get: Pick up and read the contract from the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: Kill barghests, loot their corpses. You don't need an entry in the Bestiary in order to do so. They're easy to find at night, as they appear nearly everywhere. Turn the quest in to Abigail, in her hut on the east side of the area.

Berengar's Secret

How to Get: This may have started in the Prologue, but you can pick it up by talking to people in the Outskirts.
How to Complete: Just talk to people about Berengar.

Dead Hand of the Past

How to Get: Talk to Leuvaarden in the Inn.
How to Complete: Go to the northwest corner of the map, just outside the wall to the city, and enter the cave. Kill all the echinopses inside, then loot the body. Go talk to the Reverend (either outside or sleeping in his house to get permission to enter the Church. Go to the Church and go downstairs. Place the body in the cyrpt, and after some conversation, you'll wind up fighting the Ghost of Leo. Return to the Inn and tell Leuvaarden it's done.

Dice Poker: The Novice

How to Get: Appears in the log after finding a Dice Box and then asking Zoltan about it.
How to Complete: Beat the following people: Gambler (in the Inn), Haren Brogg, Mikul, Odo, and Zoltan.

The Drowner Contract

How to Get: Pick up and read the contract from the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: Gain the bestiary entry about drowners in order to be able to loot them. You can do so by 1) Reading the Swamp Monsters book. 2) Investing a Bronze Talent in Monster Lore under Intelligence. 3) Giving food to an "Old townswoman" in the main village area.
Once that's done, visit the shore of the river in the north at night, and they'll spawn out of the water. Kill them and loot their corpses.

The Ghoul Contract

How to Get: Pick up and read the contract from the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: Gain the bestiary entry about ghouls in order to be able to loot them. You can do so by 1) Using a bronze talent to get Monster Lore, 2) reading The Tome of Fear and Loathing, volume I (which you can get from the drunkard at the inn), 3) speak to the old lady on the houses before the church area, you will bribe her and ask her to tell a story.
Once done, you can find ghouls in the Crypt in the northeast (during Mikul's quest), or around the area outside at night.

Hot Potato

How to Get: After doing Haren's quest, ask him if he has any more work for you.
How to Complete: He gives you a parcel to be delivered inside the city, which you will complete in the next Chapter.

King of the Crypt

How to Get: Talk to the Huntsman and ask for work. This is one of two Trophy-type quests he gives you.
How to Complete: After completing Mikul's quest, return to the same Crypt. A new area will have opened up. Find a ghoul named Ozzrel, and kill and loot it. You can only carry one trophy at a time, so turn this in to the Huntsman before you go for the other one.

The Monster of the Lake

How to Get: Talk to the Huntsman and ask for work. This is one of two Trophy-type quests he gives you.
How to Complete: At night, go to the north shore of the river, and kill and loot Nadir. It'll be surrounded by several weaker drowners, so kill them first to avoid them mobbing you. You can only carry one trophy at a time, so turn this in to the Huntsman before you go for the other one.


How to Get: As you approach the middle of the cluster of buildings on the south shore of the river, you'll get a cutscene showing several humans harrassing a dwarf.
How to Complete: Approach again and choose whether or not to intervene. If you don't, Zoltan manages to fight them off, and you'll meet him later in the Inn. If you do help, you get some extra XP.

She's No Early Bird

How to Get: Talk to Vesna in the Inn, to trigger her leaving at night, after 2000.
How to Complete: After 2015, if you approach the outside of the Inn, you'll get a cutscene where she's being harassed by several unsavory men. After killing her accosters, you have the option to escort her home. If you don't, she'll die. There are several methods to get her home alive:
1) Take the shortest path, fighting barghests along the way. It is difficult to keep her alive, because she pulls more aggro than you do. But you can enter a hut, and when you exit, she'll be at full health.
2) Drowners don't appear until 2100, so you can avoid the barghests by taking the longer, northern path.
3) Go back inside the Inn's courtyard and meditate until dawn. Vesna stays with you the whole time, and there are no monsters to fight during the day.
4) Just run all the way to the village. Enemies won't chase you very far, and Vesna will catch up eventually.

Regardless of how you get her home, she'll offer to meet you at the Mill for a reward. She'll be there between 1930 and 2300, so meditate until then. Bring some form of Wine. If she won't talk to you, meditate for another day.


How to Get: Read the item on the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: There's nothing else to do in this Chapter.

Chapter II

The Alghoul Contract

How to Get: Pick up and read the contract from a Notice Board.
How to Complete: Read The Tome of Fear and Loathing, volume II in order to get the bestiary entry. Kill some alghouls and loot their corpses. They can be found in the Vizima Cemetery and the crypt there, as well as west of the Ruined Tower in the Swamp at night.

The Beast of the Sewers

How to Get: During the Main Quest "Prison Break," loot the corpse of the cockatrice.
How to Complete: Return the head of the Cockatrice to Vincent Meis in the Prison.

Berengar's Secret

How to Get: When you exit the Prison into the Sewer, you're given a witcher's silver sword, which belonged to Berengar.
How to Complete: Talk to Thaler (in his house, probably). Next talk to either Kalkstein or Coleman (the latter will be dead if you gave the weapons to the Scoia'tael in Chapter I). Head out to the Swamp and talk to Vaska, who sends you to the Clay Pits to the south. Examine a corpse there, and you're done for this chapter.

Bloodthristy Vegetation

How to Get: After handing in the cockatrice head to Vincent Meis, ask about other contracts.
How to Complete: It's a huge echinops called "Coccacidium," and it spawns in random locations throughout the Swamp area. You should stumble upon it during your other adventures on that map. In fact, the odds of it spawning increase as time goes on. Return to Vincent Meis to turn in its trophy.

The Cannibal

How to Get: After accompanying Gramps to the Shrine of Melitele, visit the hut in the northeast part of the Swamp. If you go to the hut before this, and Geralt comments on the remains, the escort quest "A Pilgrimage" won't be available.
How to Complete: Once Geralt has made the comment about Gramps being a cannibal, find him and talk to him. You have two choices:
1) Kill him for the most XP.
2) Let him live, and he'll share his formula for Hanged Man's Venom.
Whatever you decide, be sure to loot a book from his cabin for the "A Mysterious Tower" quest.

Clay Pits

How to Get: Talk to Vaska in the Swamp's Brickmaker's Village.
How to Complete: Go south a bit and kill all the Drowners. Return to Vaska for your reward.

The Cultist's Crypt

How to Get: During the Main Quest "Prison Break," agree to group up with Siegfried. While searching for the cockatrice, find a corpse labeled "Dead Knight" with a key and a note on it.
How to Complete: After Siegfried leaves you, find the entrance to the crypt and clear it out. Tracking it with your quest log helps.

Dice Poker: The Professional

How to Get: Beat the Novices in Chapter II.
How to Complete: Beat four of the following players. You'll want to unlock the ability to play dice with all of them, as some are also Sharpers in the next phase of the quest.
Elven Convict (in the prison at the start)
Gambler (at the Hairy Bear)
Zoltan (wanders all over the town)
Carmen (in or near Eager Thighs Brothel)
Gardner (outside Hospital during the day)
Vaska (Swamp)
Munro Bruys (at the Hairy Bear)
Thaler (wanders all over the town)

The Dogcatcher of Vizima

How to Get: The Gravedigger asks you to bring him some Dog Lard.
How to Complete: If you don't feel like killing stray dogs at night (you can't draw your sword during the day), loot containers and just look for it everywhere.

The Drowned Dead Contract

How to Get: Pick up and read the contract from the Notice Board.
How to Complete: Make sure you have the bestiary entry for drowners, then go to the Swamp. They spawn all over the place. Kill them and loot their corpses. Hand them in to Siegfried near the Order Hall in the Temple Quarter. He may also be by the gate to the Dike. If you're on the Force Recon quest for the Order, then he'll be in the Swamp.

The Echinops Contract

How to Get: Pick up and read the contract from the Notice Board.
How to Complete: You may already have the Echinops Roots left over from Chapter I, but if you don't, head out to the Swamp to kill and loot the plants. Turn them in to the Gardner next to Saint Lebioda's Hospital.

Finders Keepers

How to Get: In the Temple Quarter where you exited the Sewers during the "Prison Break" main quest, if you're at that spot during the morning between 0600 and 0900, a man labeled "Con Artist" will appear. He'll ask you to enter the Sewers and retrieve his Family Ring.
How to Complete: Enter the Sewers and make an immediate left. Kill all the ghouls and graveirs, and loot the chest. When you exit, if it's not between 0600 and 0900, return when it is in order to hand over the ring.

Flowers and Gold

How to Get: After crossing over to the Swamps, ask the Ferryman about work. He'll send you to Yaren Bolt. You may also just speak to Yaren Bolt directly.
How to Complete: Ask Yaren Bolt for work, and agree to "play herbalist." Even if Geralt already knows about Beggartick, Yaren will explain about it. When you have all 5 of the plants, return to the Ferryman. He gives you some cash to take to Yaren. When forking over the cash, if you choose to keep all of it, you can still get the next quest, "A Long Way from Home."

Force Recon

How to Get: At some point, both Siegfried and Yaevinn will be in the Swamp. There are three choices here:
A) Speak with Siegfried near the Druid's Grove amd agree to side with the Order of the Flaming Rose.
B) Speak with Yaevinn in the Scoia'tael camp and agree to side with them.
C) Either don't speak with either man, or do speak with them and refuse both of their requests, and you'll remain Neutral.

How to Complete: There are several consequences:
If you side with the Order before completing the quest "Worth its Weight in Gold," that quest will fail.
If you remain Neutral, the Order wins the battle by default.
If you side with the Scoia'tael, of course they'll win.

A Ghost Story

How to Get: Enter the house across from the the Warehouse in the Temple Quarter's Slums during the day, after 0600. A Thug will ask what you're doing there, and then offer this quest. This quest can also be started and/or completed in Chapter III.
How to Complete: Go to the house indicated by the Thug, then kill him and his friends. Talk to the half-elf woman, and she'll offer a reward. Meet her in the house facing Kalkstein's place. To get in, go through the alley off of Peddler's street next to the Hospital.
If the Dwarven Blacksmith is mad at you for some reason, this quest can be used to get back in his good graces.

A Gravedigger's Grattitude

How to Get: After clearing a few people in the "Suspect" quest, talk to the Gravedigger and tell him you don't trust Raymond. He will then offer this to you. In fact, it will clear all the remaining suspects and skip the Autopsy. So I recommend waiting until after that to do this in order to maximize XP.
How to Complete: Speak to Thaler or Vincent Meis to gain access to the Cemetary. Once inside, find the Crypt entrance. At the first branch to the left is a crumbly wall. Use Aard on it, and kill the monsters. Inside is Raymond's body. Examining it will clear every suspect except Azar Javed. Return to the Gravedigger to complete the quest.

Hot Potato

How to Get: This should still be in your quest log, left over from Chapter I.
How to Complete: After completing the main quest "Prison Break" and reclaiming your stuff, speak to Jailer Jethro about the missing package. He basically shrugs. Go and speak to Coleman in the Hairy Bear, and you'll have three options:
1) Admit the package was confiscated, and he'll forgive you (most XP)
2) Offer to compensate him, and it'll cost you 100 Orens (least XP)
3) Tell Coleman it's tough luck. He'll later send some goons after you. (medium XP)
Note that if in Chapter I you let the Scoia'tael take Haren's goods, Coleman will be killed after you enter the Detective's House. So be sure to finish this quest before entering the Detective's House.

A Long Way from Home

How to Get: After completing the side quest "Flowers and Gold," ask Yaren Bolt for another job, even if that dialog option is greyed out. Don't do anything else while this quest is active, otherwise it will fail, and when you return to Yaren, all the other woodcutters will be dead.
How to Complete: Kill the bloedgzuigers, drowners, and echinopses, then deal with the vodoyanoi:
1) Just kill them.
2) Spare them. First talk to Vaska in the fishing village. Return to Yaren and convince him to part with his axe. Place Yaren's Axe on the altar near the clay pits. Meditate until 2300 or 2400. Check the altar and take the amulet. (You can then kill the lone vodoyanoi without consequence.) Return to Yaren for your reward.

A Lost Lamb

How to Get: Talk to Vaska in the Swamp's Brickmaker village, after you've completed her first quest, "Clay Pits."
How to Complete: Go to the Druid's Grove to ask about the missing boy. The druids will direct you to the dryad Morenn. If you bring her a Wolf Pelt, and then suggest that sex can be a good stress reliever, Geralt will have sex with her. There are wolves just north of the Druid's Grove, and also in the Swamp Cave. Return to Vaska to inform her of what you've learned, and to promise to keep looking for the boy. Nothing else happens with this quest until Chapter III.

Memory of a Blade

How to Get: After finishing the main quest "Prison Break," you'll learn that your loaner sword was Berengar's. Learning how it came into your possesion is the goal of this quest.
How to Complete: First, ask Thaler in his house. Second, ask the Gambler in the Hairy Bear. Third, the Gardner outside the Hospital. Fourth is Shani, whom you'll find in the Hospital during the day, and her house at night. You may have to bribe the guard at the front door to get in. Lastly Zoltan (who wanders around all over town).
If you wait until Chapter III to complete this, you'll skip the conversation with Shani.

A Most Uncommon Wine

How to Get: In the Hairy Bear Inn, talk to Conrad (after 1800), who asks for better wine.
How to Complete: The directions in the quest log are useless, so just make it your active quest. This is the same house as for "The Rat," and can be done at the same time. Kill all the monsters and loot the wine from the barrels. When you return to Conrad (after 1800), he confesses that he can't pay you. You can be nice and let him have just one bottle, or keep them all for yourself (they're worth 80 Orens each).

Old Friend of Mine

How to Get: After her quest to bring her celandine, and after the Autopsy, speak to Shani, and she'll mention a party she's planning, but she needs some groceries.
How to Complete: Purchase the Mettina Rosé, Temerian Rye, and Cherry Cordial Spirit at the Hairy Bear Inn. Leave and invite one person to join: Carmen, Siegfried, or Zoltan. Go to Shani's house at night. I hightly recommend looting the downstairs at this point, as dealing with the landlady is a pain in the ass. The party then begins. At some point, a guest of your choice arrives and Geralt is sent downstairs to fetch an item (unless you looted it beforehand). The specific item depends on who the special guest is. In any event, avoid walking near the fireplaces, otherwise Grandma will kick you out. The third phase of the party depends on who you invite. Shani will start making eyes at Geralt, and if Zoltan or Siegfried is the guest, the party will end on a good note. If Carmen is the guest, she and Shani will fight. In the morning, Geralt will wake up outside. Get a Red Rose and bring it to Shani to have sex with her. Even if you bring white or yellow roses, the quest will remain open for the rest of the Chapter until you bring red roses.

A Pilgrimage

How to Get: In the Swamps, near the Docks, talk to Gramps and agree to escort him to a shrine. Even if you tell him to "piss off," you can help him out later. Be sure to do this before "The Cannibal."
How to Complete: He'll follow you around so make sure he doesn't die. You can go straight to the shrine on your map, or take him on a tour of the Swamps. The Mage's Tower and the Druid's Grove are two highlights. Once at the shrine, let him do his thing, then talk to him to complete the quest.

The Rat

How to Get: Once you've advanced "Suspect: Vincent Meis" to the part where you need to visit the Warehouse at midnight, go and talk to Coleman at the Hairy Bear. He'll mention some ghosts that need killing. If you gave the weapons to the Scoia'tael in Chapter I, then Colemean is dead, and this quest is not available.
How to Complete: Go to the house mentioned by Coleman and kill the two wraiths. Return to Coleman for your reward. This is the same house as in "A Most Uncommon Wine," and the quest can be done at the same time. If Coleman is no longer in the Inn, the Innkeeper will tell you that he hangs out at the Dike in the evenings. Meditate until a couple hours after dusk, then go to the Dike, where you'll get a cutscene conversation with him. Return to the Innkeeper again, where you'll have a choice of whether to expose Coleman as a snitch. If you keep the secret, Vincent will remain happy with you.

A Restless Ghost

How to Get: Outside the Cemetary Gates, around 1200, will be a woman named Hildegard Zollstock. Agree to take care of the ghost of her deceased husband.
How to Complete: Meditate until midnight, then, despite what the quest log says, return to the same spot outside the Graveyard Gates. Kill the wraith, then Meditate until noon and return again to Hildegard. It's possible you've already killed the wraith, depending on if you found yourself in the area around midnight already. That's fine, as you can turn in the quest immediately after talking to Hildegard.

Safe Haven

How to Get: Find Zoltan, who wanders around all over town. Ask him about work, and he'll point you to Leuvaarden, who's at the Dike, and wants you to kill some drowners.
How to Complete: Hire the nearby Ferryman to take you to the Swamps. Meditate or do stuff until midnight, then patrol the area between the Landing, the Fireplance, and the Woods. Kill drowners until you get a status update on the quest. Return to Leuvaarden for your reward.


How to Get: You'll get a List of Suspects when speaking with the Detective Raymond Maarloeve.
How to Complete: You'll need to clear a bunch of suspects in order to find evidence against Azar Javed. Completeting the quest "A Gravedigger's Grattitude" will clear all of these, robbing you of all the XP associated with each one, so don't do that.
Suspect: Kalkstein Be very, very careful during the Autopsy.
Suspect: Leuvaarden Learn that he's the one who buys Salamander Brooches.
Suspect: Ramsmeat First complete the quest "The Crown Witness," then talk to Ramsmeat and be nice. Choose the dialog option "I see, settling scores in the underworld" will end the conversation. Talk to him again to clear the quest.
Suspect: Thaler Talk to Coleman, Vivaldi, Shani, Vincent, and a Mysterious Man, to get pieces of evidence to clear him. The final piece comes during the Autopsy, when you find insect eggs in the corpse.
Suspect: Vivaldi Ask Zoltan about Vivaldi, and Zoltan will give you evidence that clears Vivaldi. When you talk to him, mention that you know that he's recently lost control of his bank. You may need to spring him from jail in order to talk to him.
Suspect: Vincent Meis Complete the quest "The Rat," and Coleman will give you the evidence that clears Vincent. Alternatively, talk to Vincent himself after killing the Salamandra at the Warehouse, and just accept his word.


How to Get: Continues from Chapter I, or gained while you're in jail.
How to Complete: In the Hairy Bear Inn, at night, drink with The Messenger until he tells you that Leuvaarden is the one to sell Salamander Brooches to. If you use either of the other dialog options, the Messenger will tell you off, and you won't be able to speak with him again. Find Leuvaarden on the Dike and sell him the brooches. If you get more later, he'll buy those, too. He also mentions that he's the one who issued the Warrant. To be continued in Chapter III.

What Lies Beneath

How to Get: Talking to the Detective triggers this, in additon to a bunch of Suspect quests.
How to Complete: Clear all the Supsects and do the Autopsy. During the autopsy, you'll discover that Azar is using an illusion to pose as Raymond. Go to the cypt in the Cemetary and find Raymond's body.
The quest will fail if you flat out tell "Raymond" that you know who he really is.

The Wolf Contract

How to Get: Pick up and read the contract from a Notice Board.
How to Complete: You don't need the bestiary entry for wolves. Kill and loot wolves, which can be found north of the Druid's Grove, in the Swamp Cave, and near the Golem Burial Ground. When you have 10, find Jean-Pierre near the Landing in the Swamps.
This can be completed in Chapter III as well.

Working Girls

How to Get: Talk to Carmen outside or inside the Eager Thighs Brothel in the Temple Quarter, across from the Hairy Bear Inn. Agree to deal with the guys harrassing her girls.
How to Complete: Wait until after dusk, then go to the indicated point on your map. Kill the two Salamanders. There are two more locations around town where similar scenarios are playing out. Kill all the bad guys, then return to Carmen for your reward.

Worth its Weight in Gold

How to Get: Find Yaevinn in the Druid's Grove in the Swamps, and ask him about witcher's work. He'll ask you to deliver a letter. Do this before picking up "Force Recon."
How to Complete: Go to the Temple Quaerter. You can then either deliver the letter to Vivaldi as asked, or instead give the letter to Vincent Meis. The second choice earns points with the city guard, but makes Yaevinn mad. If you do give the letter to Vivaldi, the dwarf will tell you that he needs time. Just leave his house and go back in to get his response. Whatever your choice, return to Yaevinn in the Swamp. When you get to the Druid Camp, You'll find that he's moved. The druids will tell you where. Report in, regardless of what you did with the letter.
This quest will fail if you pick up "Force Recon" before finishing it.

Chapter III

All the King's Men

How to Get: At the start of the Chapter, automatically.
How to Complete: Leave the house and a guard will ask to see your Pass. During "A Posh Reception," when you leave the Narakort, you'll find Thaler arguing with De Wett. Take a side or walk away for now. During "Lock and Key," you'll find a stone that you'll later give to Triss. She'll put a house on your map. Enter through the side where all the merchants are. (if the door won't unlock, use the mod
Radovid Door Fix) Inside, have a conversation with Radovid. The quest will sit until "The Unforgiven," when it will autocomplete.

The Archespore Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the New Narakort Inn.
How to Complete: If you don't have any left over from Chapter II, go to the Swamp and kill Arechespores. They spawn mostly in the north. Turn this in to Jethro in the Trade Quarter's Prison.

Beauty and the Beast

How to Get: Talk to Carmen, who's at the Swamp Landing.
How to Complete: Go to the Druid Camp and talk to Hierophant, who mentions three possible cures. Next, return to Carmen, who's now back at the Brothel. She refuses to divulge the identity of her lover, so the quest will languish until you're in the middle of the main quest "Lock and Key." Once you learn the identity, you have a choice of whether to kill the wherewolf. If you do, the quest ends.
If you decide to cure the wherewolf, return to Carmen and explain the options, which you'll try in order.
1) The Shirt The Fool's Parsley can be found in the Cemetary, near the Druid Camp, and can be bought from the Elder Druid. Bring them to Carmen. The quest says to wait a day, but you can just leave the Brothel and reenter. Or if she's outside, enter the Brothel and leave.
2) The Potion Visit Kalkstein, who now lives in the Swamp Tower (there's a teleporter in his old basement). Leave and re-enter. Upon your return, he asks for one more ingredient. Teleport back to the Temple Quarter and go in the Hospital. Ask one of the Nurses for a tear, then drop off the potion with Carmen. Go through a building's door and back.
3) True Love The last step is to convince Vincent to give up his superhero lifestyle for the sake of love. Once you've done so, return to Carmen to complete the quest.

Berengar's Secret

How to Get: Carried over from the previous chapter.
How to Complete: At some point, you learn that Berengar is actually alive. That's it for this Chapter.

Blue Eyes

How to Get:In The New Narakort during the day, talk to Patrick de Weyze and ask about Siegfried. He'll tell you about his missing sister.
How to Complete: Go to the Night House to find her on the ground floor. Sleep with her, then remark about her neck wound. Return to Patrick and fill him in. Again return to the Night House and go upstairs, where you meet a guard. Get past him by 1) showing him the House of the Night signet ring, 2) bribing him with 250 orens, 3) giving him some Fistech, or 4) just killing him.
Talk to the Queen of the Night and ask about the blue-eyed girl. You then have several options:
A) Kill the vampiresses immediately. Then go down stairs and talk to the blue-eyed girl. Lastly, return to Patrick, who refuses to pay because his sister is not with you.
B) Have sex with the vampiresses, then Patrick shows up and asks you to kill them. Do so, and the quest ends there.
C) Have sex with the vampiresses, then Patrick shows up and asks you to kill them. Instead, kill Patrick and his squires. Be careful, because one of the squires might get close to the blue-eyed girl and will kill her. Talk to the girl after the battle for your reward.
D) Have sex with the vampiresses, then Patrick shows up and asks you to kill them. Refuse to take sides, and a free-for-all ensues, ending with Geralt being the only one left alive.

The Cockatrice Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the New Narakort Inn.
How to Complete: Go to the Swamp Cave to kill and loot the cockatrices. You'll need the Bestiary entry in order to do so. For efficiency, do this at the same time as the main quest "Reaping Time." You won't be able to turn this in to the Scribe at the Bank, however, until after the main quest "Gold Rush."

Dandelion's Lute

How to Get: Find Dandelion in the New Narakort Inn, and he'll ask you to retrieve his Lute. You'll need to drink several beers with him.
How to Complete: Upon reaching the Pankieras' house, you'll be confronted by the girl's father. You can either fight him or bribe him to get past. Go upstairs to meet Dandelion's girlfriend. During the conversation with Rozalind, Geralt can have sex with her by first suggesting that she dumped him, then say that her plan is a bit much, then cheer her up. Loot the Lute from a ches in this room, then return it to Dandelion. To witness his concert, enter the Inn after 1800 (Dandelion says 2000, but it's not). If you meditate inside until then, you'll need to leave the building and re-enter.

Dice Poker: The Sharper

How to Get: Carried over from the previous Chapter.
How to Complete: You need to beat three of the following, though you'll want to open up the possibility with all of them: Dandelion (New Narakort), Hierophant (Druid Camp), Koster (Gambler's Den), Velerad (Watchtower). With that done, you'll need to wait until the next chapter.

Echoes of Yesterday

How to Get: Talk to Yaevinn in the Druid's Grove of the Swamp. Do so before the main quest "A Posh Reception," as this quest becomes unavailable after that.
How to Complete: The quickest way to the Sewers is to use the teleporter in the Tower and go to Tris's house. Enter the Sewers from the Trade Quarter and kill all the drowners as you advance. Eventually, you'll find Ren Grouver and some other elves. Ren will direct you to a monster deeper in the ruins. Kill it, and a cutscene will end the quest.

The Fleder Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the New Narakort Inn.
How to Complete: Fleders can be found all over the place, including during the quest "Gold Rush." You may already have a few left over from the previous Chapter. You don't need the Bestiary Entry to loot fangs from fleders. You may not be able to turn this in, however, until after the main quest "Gold Rush."

The Ghoul Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the New Narakort Inn.
How to Complete: You will need the ghoul entry in the Bestiary in order to loot their blood. Ghouls can be found in the Cemetary and its Crypt, as well as all over the Swamp. You may already have a few left over from the previous Chapter. You won't be able to turn this in, however, until after the main quest "Gold Rush."

The Graveir Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the New Narakort Inn.
How to Complete: You will need the graveir entry in the Bestiary in order to loot their bones. Graveirs can be found in the Cemetary and its Crypt. You won't be able to turn this in, however, until after the main quest "Gold Rush."


How to Get: Aquired automatcally at the start of the Chapter.
How to Complete: It doesn't. It "carries over" into the next game.
Talk to the following people about yourself: Thaler, Yaevinn/Siegfried (depending on which side you choose), and Vincent. More to come in Chapter IV.

The Kikimore Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the New Narakort Inn.
How to Complete: You will need the kikimore entry in the Bestiary in order to loot their claws. Kikimores can be found in the Swamp and in the Trade Quarter at night. Keep one extra claw if you want sex with someone. Note that kikimore workers always drop a claw, but warriors don't always. You won't be able to turn this in, however, until after the main quest "Gold Rush."

A Lost Lamb

How to Get: Continued from the previous Chapter.
How to Complete: You'll find him during the main quest "Reaping Time." Let Vaska know that you found him in order to complete the quest.

Medic in Distress

How to Get: The Distressed Nurse can be found next to the Hospital near the Gardner between 1200 and 1300, but only assuming you went to Shani's party in the previous Chapter. Talk to her and persuade her to let you help her.
How to Complete: Meditate until after 2100 and then enter Granny's House. Go down to the basement and kill the fleder. Granny will scold you, but nothing comes of that. Return to the Distressed Nurse between 1200 and 1300 to get your reward. It's also possible that you killed the fleder before speaking with the Nurse; in which case just find the Nurse and turn in the quest.

The Predatory Wyvern

How to Get: Either kill Moa, or ask the Royal Huntsman, who is now found in the Trade Quarter next to the Cemetary Gate. Note that you can only carry one trophy at a time, so don't kill a second beast before turning in the first trophy.
How to Complete: Go to the Swamp's Wyvern Island north of the Druid Camp, and kill the royal wyvern, named Moa. For efficiency, this works well at the same time as the quest "The Wyvern Contract."

The Ring

How to Get: Either talk to the Desperate Merchant on the Dike, or find the Family Ring first.
How to Complete: The Family Ring can be found in the Swamp, on a corpse right behind the Shrine of Melitele. Hand it over to the Desperate Merchant on the Dike.

Six Feet Under

How to Get: Talk to Siegfried, who is outside the Cloister during the day, which is just up the hill from his old post in the Temple Quarter. This needs to be done before the main quest "Gold Rush."
How to Complete: Enter the Cemetary and kill some ghouls. Examine a body of a woman, then find a talking ghould named Vetala. You then have two options:
1) Kill Vetalla. He'll be joined by several other ghouls. Report to Siegfried when finished.
2) Spare Vetalla. As reward, he tells you that the true cuplrit are the Scoia'tael, who are nearby at the Crypt. You then have to choose whether to save the innocent kidnap victims or kill the Scoia'tael. If you save the innocent people, Siegfried will offer the greatest reward.

The Source

How to Get: During the conversation at the start of the Chapter, ask Triss if she needs help. You may want to hold off doing this quest as long as possible, as you'll have to choose between Shani and Triss at the end, and the one you don't choose will be rude to you from then on.
How to Complete: Place the Censors at the indicated Reliefs in the Trade Quarter, Temple Quarter, and Cemetary. You may have noticed two of the Reliefs earlier. When done, report to Triss. Next step is to go to the Hospital. Upon entering the Temple Quarter, Shani will confront you. After speaking with her, continue on to the Hospital. There you'll find Dandelion, who will lead you to a nearby house. Enter the indicated building and kill some assassins. (if the door won't open, use the mod
Kidnappers' Door Bugfix.) Dandelion then enters, and you have a choice of where you want to send Alvin.
After killing the second wave of assassins, go to the house of whomever you sent Alvin to. Speak with your chosen woman. Your woman will order you to explain the situation to her rival. Dandelion drags you and Zoltan out for drinks and conversation. You wind up back at her house. After you sober up, She now wants a ring (Silver Amber Ring for Shani, Silver Ruby Ring for Triss). When you've forked over the Ring, she'll ask you to bond with Alvin. For Shani, indulge Alvin in whatever he wants; for Triss, deny Alvin whatever he wants. Once that's done, consumate the relationship with your chosen woman. Even if you don't have sex, the next Chapter treats it as if you had.


How to Get: Continued from the previous Chapter.
How to Complete: Kill the Professor. You'll find him during other main quests.

White Fang

How to Get: Talk to the Royal Huntsman in the Trade Quarter next to the Cemetary Gate, or just kill Voref. Note that you can only carry one trophy at a time, so don't kill a second beast before turning in the first trophy.
How to Complete: The wolf, Voref, roams the Swamp between dusk and dawn, but won't appear while the main quest "Reaping Time" is active. Kill it and turn its trophy in to the Royal Huntsman.

Won't Hurt a Bit

How to Get: Talk to Zahin Schmartz in Raymond's old place in the Temple Quarter, or on Merchant Street.
How to Complete: Bring him the teeth he asks for (Alp fangs, Barghest Skull, Beast Fangs, Cemetaur Jaw, Devourer Teeth, and Fleder Fangs). The barghest skull is only a required item if you have one in your inventory left over from Chapter I. This quest is available all the way through Chapter V, when the last tooth becomes available.

The Wyvern Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the New Narakort Inn.
How to Complete: Wyverns hang out on Wyvern Island in the Swamp, northeast of the Druid Camp. Kill them, loot them (assuming you have the Bestiary Entry for them), and give them to the Innkeeper at the New Narakort Inn.

Chapter IV

The Alp Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: You will need to have the Bestiary Entry for Alps. You may have several Alp Fangs left over from previous Chapters. Otherwise, kill the ones you find in this chapter, and turn them in to Tobias.

The Ancient Cemetaur

How to Get: Ask Tobias about monsters that need killing.
How to Complete: Ureus can be found in the Crypt in the Fields. Remember that you can only carry one Trophy at a time.

The Basilisk Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: Basilisks can be found on the west side of Black Tern Island. Kill and loot them, then turn in their hides to Julian.

Berengar's Secret / The Paths of Destiny

How to Get: Continued from previous Chapters.
How to Complete: Near where you ported in is the Vodyanoi Priest. Ask him about another witcher, and you'll be directed to Berengar. Help him with his immedate task of clearing out a crypt, then speak to him. Later, the Lady of the Lake will ask you to talk to him. Do so, then return to the Lady. After killing Dagon as part of the main quest "Ripples," Berengar will relocate to Black Tern Island, and you will be faced with a choice about whether or not to kill him. If you spare him, he'll help you against Azar Javed later in the game, but will die right away. If you kill him, loot his amulet for use in that fight.

Daily Bread

How to Get: Toruviel in Murky Waters wants five Breads.
How to Complete: You may have collected all 5 during earlier Chapters, which is the easiest way. If you don't have any bread, the Baker will sell you some, though they cost more than the reward. In that case, you can buy the 5th out of the kindness of your heart, or steal the four that the Baker has and buy the 5th. Or you can just turn in 4 and explain the price difference to Toruviel.

The Devourer Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: You will need to have the Bestiary Entry for devourers. They're all over the place, so kill and loot them. Turn them in to the local witch in Murky Waters. If you spared her, Abigail will be that witch, and will give you a higher reward then her replacement.

The Giant Centipede Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: You don't need the Bestiary Entry for them. They spawn all over the area south of the Inn. After you've killed and looted the requisite number, hand them in to the Elven Craftsman in the Lakeside Cave.

Hunting the Wild Hunt

How to Get: Talk to the Hermit in the Fields.
How to Complete: After Dusk, equip the Salt Pouch in a ring slot, then go to the Druid's Lantern in the southeastern part of the Fields. Put Mandrake on the lantern's flame and kill nine wraiths. Return to the Hermit for your reward.

Old Habits Die Hard

How to Get: Ask what is troubling the Naiad on the Lakeshore.
How to Complete: Kill drowners around Lakeside, Black Tern Island, and the riverbank south of the Village. You'll need to stop in the Fisher King's Hut to gain permission to take his boat to the Island. When you've killed the third group, a drowner named Zephyr appears. Kill him and loot the necklace. Return it to the Naiad and pick a reward. (Choosing to be healed yields the best reward: a trinket that repels drowners.)

The Royal Wyvern Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Inn.
How to Complete: You don't need the Bestiary Entry to loot them. You may still have the eggs left over from Chapter III. If not, you'll find a fedw roayl wyverns in the Fields, and more on Black Tern Island near the temple. Hand them in to the Innkeeper when you have three.

Small Problems

How to Get: Talk to Mason Harn, in the fields near the unbuilt bridge south of the Village, during the day.
How to Complete: Talk to the witch to learn how to deal with the griggs. Enter the Crypt in the Fields and clear it out. Deep inside, kill the "bad" griggs and loot the Cat Harness. Return to the witch, who instructs you on its use. Follow her instructions, and the "good" griggs will give you an item for Harn. Hand it over for a reward.


How to Get: Talk to the Blacksmith's Wife and accept her offer of food. She'll then hire you.
How to Complete: When you exit the house, the Blacksmith will make a counter-offer. Shimmering Dust can be found on the corpses of noonwraiths, which can be found in the Fields by day. Shadow Dust can be found on the corpses of devourers in the Fields by night. Hand in the stuff to the person you want to help in order to complete the quest.

The Vodyan Priest

How to Get: Either ask Tobias about monsters, or just kill and loot Teyu.
How to Complete: Teyu hangs out in the Fields near a small pond. Kill him and his backup, then loot his head. Turn it in to Tobias.

Chapter V

The Bloedzuiger Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Field Hostpital.
How to Complete: You'll need the Besiary Entry for bloedzuigers. If you don't have the blood collected from previous Chapters, you'll find bloedzuigers all over the Swamp Cemetary. Turn them in to the Eldest Druid in the Druid's Cave.


How to Get: Talk to the Royal Huntsman in the Druids' Cave.
How to Complete: At night, Vesper hangs out in the Cemetary, close to Lily. Be careful not to kill both, as you can only carry one trophy at a time. Hand the tophy over to the Royal Huntsman.

The Bruxa Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Field Hostpital.
How to Complete: The only place to get the Bestiary Entry for Bruxa Blood is in Chapter IV. Assuming you have it, bruxae can be found near the Swamp Chapel at night. Turn it in to Jean-Pierre in Old Vizima.

The Cemetaur Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Field Hostpital.
How to Complete: You will need the Bestiary Entry for cemetaurs. They can be found around the Tower in Old Vizima, and the Crypts in the Swamp Cemetary. Turn them in to the Desperate Father in the Refugee Camp. If you killed him earlier, then you'll have no one to turn them in to.

Dice Poker: The Legend

How to Get: Continued from previous Chapters.
How to Complete: Beat King Foltest during your second conversation with him. Be sure to save before talking to him, as you don't get a second chance.

The Garkain Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Field Hostpital.
How to Complete: You will need the Bestiary Entry for garkains. You can find some near the entrance to Cemetary Island. They respawn. Turn in their Saliva to Kalkstein, who's relocated to a lab in Old Vizima.

Mud and Velvet

How to Get: After speaking to Foltest the first time, find Antoinette in the hall and speak with her. This is your only opportunity to get this quest.
How to Complete: After getting to the Swamp Cemetary, visit each of the three Refugee Caves and give each Ccousin their money. Or talk to them, but refuse to give them the money. Then find Jean-Pierre and hand in the receipts (or report failure) to complete the quest. Alternatively, if you want to keep the Orens for yourself, skip the cousins, and kill Jean-Pierre (after turning in "The Bruxa Contract").

The Vampiress of the Swamp

How to Get: Talk to the Royal Huntsman in the Druids' Cave.
How to Complete: Lily hangs out on Cemetary Island next to the ring of stones, close to Vesper. Be careful not to kill both, as you can only carry one trophy at a time. Hand the tophy over to the Royal Huntsman.

The Wraith Contract

How to Get: Pick it up from the Notice Board outside the Field Hostpital.
How to Complete:You will need the Bestiary Entry for wraiths. If you don't have the Death Dust saved from noonwraiths in Chapter IV, many wraiths can be found in Raven's Crypt and near the Chapel. Turn them in to Kalkstein.

last modified 21 June 2020