Nightsolo's Mass Effect 2 Optional Assignments


The Citadel

Captain Bailey

When you get it: When you first arrive on the Citadel, you won't be able to use the Rapid Transit to go anywhere - note that you can use it to return to the Normanday or to get new squadmates. Go through the only door you can, and you'll be stopped by a security scan. Respond to the Turian C-Sec officer any way you like.

Completing it: Go through the next door and Talk to Captain Bailey. Respond how you like, use the Investigate options as you like. When you exit dialog, the Assignment will have completed, and you'll be able to use the Rapid Transit.

The Council

When you get it: This is technically a Mission, but it is skippable, so I've put it here. After the Prologue, when you can wander the Normandy on your own, you'll have this in your log automatically. Anderson also sends you an email.

Completing it: Once on the Citadel, use any Rapid Transit Terminal and select the Presidium. You'll enter into dialog with Anderson, who may or may not be talking to the Council, depending on whether you saved them in Mass Effect 1. If the council survived, or if you put Anderson in charge, they'll offer to reinstate your Spectre status, which has no significant bearing on anything aside from a couple of dialog choices in random places. If you put Udina in charge and/or if the Council wasn't saved, the dialog will obviously go in a different direction. There is no reward for completing this. If Tali is in your squad, after the conversations, there's a spot on the balcony where she'll comment. When you're ready to leave, Open the door and you'll get the Rapid Transit Menu.

Crime in Progress

How to get it: Go to the west side downstairs of the Zakera Wards and approach the three people arguing. You'll overhear a conversation between the human C-Sec officer trying to mediate between a volus accusing a quarian of stealing his credit chit. Talk to them. Ask the three about the matter, then say you'll investigate. If Tali is in your squad, she'll understandably defend the quarian.

Completing it: You'll need to visit two of the shopkeepers nearby. First, Kian Louros at the Sirta Foundation will mention that the volus was there, but didn't buy anything. Second, Marab at Saronis Applications will tell you the volus left his credit chit behind. Return to the trio to settle the dispute. The volus isn't exactly apologetic and still wants the quarian arrested. There is an opportunity here for a Paragon Interrupt, and then the conversation and the Assignment end.

False Positive / Forged IDs

How to get it: After completing both of the Loyalty Missions for Thane and Garrus, Kalara Tomi will show up on the west side of the upper level of Zakera Wards, sitting on a bench with a fellow asari. Talk to her, and you'll get "False Positive." If you previously picked up the Forged IDs During Garrus's Loyalty Mission "Eye for an Eye," then the title will change when you talk to her.

Completing it: Talk to Kalara, and you'll learn she and her friend are on the "do-not-fly" list. There are several ways to complete this:
1) Say "You owe us", and the Assignment will complete, but you will receive no reward.
2) Talk to the C-Sec Customs Officer at the entrance to Zakera Wards and use either of the Paragon or Renegade options. Return to Kalara to tell her she can leave.
3) If you've been reinstated as a Spectre, just order the C-Sec Customs Officer to let the asari go, and you'll get some Paragon Points.
4) If you picked up the Forged IDs during Garrus's Loyalty Mission "Eye for an Eye," then just give them to her for some Renegade Points.
5) Convince the C-Sec Customs Officer at the entrance to Zakera Wards and use either of the Paragon or Renegade options, then return to Kalara and also give her the Forged IDs.

Krogan Sushi

How to get it: On the east side of the upper level of Zakera Wards, near Citadel Souvaniers, there are two krogan discussing fish in the Presidium Lake. Just stand there and eavesdrop on the conversation to get the Assignment

Completing it: Go up the east stairs and into the Dark Star Lounge. Talk to the Presidium Groundskeeper standing on the west side of the room and ask about fish. You then have two options:
1) Go to Citadel Souvenirs and buy the Illium Skald Fish. Talk to Kargesh and convince him the fish came from the Presidium Lake for some Renegade Points.
2) Tell Kargesh the truth for some Paragon Points.
Afterwards, Talk to him several times to hear a few reactions.


Blue Rose of Illium

How to get it: On the southeast side of the map, in the transport hub area, is a krogan reciting bad poetry to an asari. Talk to the asari.

Completing it: During the conversation, use either the Paragon or Renegade options to convince her to make a decision. If you get her to stay with her boyfriend, you'll see them later in the landing area on Tuchanka. Whatever her decision, she'll give you a discount at her nearby shop for helping. You'll also have a follow-up assignment in ME3.

Gianna Parasini

How to get it: If you helped Gianna Parasini arrest Administrator Anoleis in Mass Effect 1, she'll be at a table in the trading area. She'll buy you a drink, and then abruptly leave. Examine the drink she leaves behind to find a note, asking for some help with her current assignment.

Completing it: Gianna is investigating Serrice Technology, so go there and Talk to the shopkeeper. You have two choices:
1) Warn the shopkeeper. This gets you some Renegade points, a discount at the shop, and Gianna will stop talking to you.
2) Using the Paragon or Renegade conversation options, convince the shopkeeper to show you something illegal. Gianna will then appear and threaten to arrest the shopkeeper. Even though the shopkeeper leaves, you'll still have a discount.
After the confrontation, retun to the same table and speak with Ms. Parasini.
There is a potential bug where the shopkeep won't speak with you. Save and reload, or maybe even exit the game and reload.

Indentured Service

How to get it: After completing the Assignment "A Troublemaker," and leaving the Illium map and returning, a Slave Broker and a Synthetic Insights Representative will appear in the bar. Talk to the Slave Broker, who will explain that she's having trouble selling the adjacent quarian's contract. Agree to help. Tali will have some bonus dialog if she's with you.

Completing it: Talk to the Synthetic Insights Representative to learn that her company doesn't hire slaves, and is also having some financial trouble. You cannot purchase the contract yourself. You then have two choices:
1) Use the Paragon or Renegade options to convince the SI Rep to hire the quarian anyway.
2) Talk to the SI Rep first, then return to the Slave Broker and convince her to end the quarian's contract. There is an odd bug if you do this, where the SI Rep still remains in her place, and you can still convince her to take the quarian.

Lost Locket Found

How to get it: During Miranda's Loyalty Mission "The Prodigal," pick up the Trinket near the exit from the Transport Terminal.

Completing it: Once you have the Assignment, an asari will appear near the entrance to Nos Astra the next time you arrive. Talk to her to turn it in.

Medical Scans

How to get it: On the southwest side of the map in the transport hub, you'll find either a Colonist or Shiala, depending on whether or not you killed Shiala on Feros in Mass Effect 1. Talk to whoever is there to learn that Baria Frontiers is performing some nasty tests on the survivors of Zhu's Hope. Agree to help.

Completing it: Standing at the balcony to the south is an asari named Erinya. Talk to her and use either the Paragon or Renegade options to convince her to stop the tests. Return to Shiala/the Colonist to give her the good news.

The Observer

How to get it: Complete the Assignment "System Hacking," then Liara will give you this task.

Completing it: Hack five terminals in the northern part of the map. Four are on the Trading Floor and one is in Eternity. Each one will give you information on The Shadow Broker's operatives. When you have all 5 data points, use the Call Liara button. You can tell her to kill whichever person you want, but the "best" choice is to tell her that none of the suspects fit. Liara will then realize the actual Observer is Nyxeris. Both conversation options get you some Paragon Points. Return to Liara to complete the Assignment.

Salarian Family Data

How to get it: During Thane's Dossier Mission "The Assassin," you'll come across a Datapad on Upper Level 1. When you Scan it, a box will pop up saying it contains "genetic information for the Kirosa family."

Completing it: In the middle of the Nos Astra map is a salarian standing at the base of the northern stairs. You may have overheard his telephone conversation earlier as you passed through here. Talk to him, and your greeting can earn you some Paragon or Renegade Points. Give him the data and he'll give you some monetary thanks.

Smuggling Evidence

How to get it: During Samara's Dossier Mission "The Justicar," just past the gunship battle, you'll find Shipping Manifest.

Completing it: After the Dossier Mission, you have to decide what to do with the data:
1) Sell it to the volus Pitne For for some Renegade Points and the most Credits.
2) Give it to Detective Anaya for some Paragon Points and fewer Credits.

Stolen Goods Found

How to get it: During Samara's Dossier Mission "The Justicar," right at the entrance to the Crime Scene is a Terminal. Examine it and upload the information.

Completing it: When you next land on Illium, a krogan will approach you and thank you. You can earn some extra Paragon or Renegade Points depending on how you greet him. You'll earn a few Renegade Points for completing the Assignment regardless.

System Hacking

How to get it: Talk to Liara and ask if she needs any help. You may want to hold off on this, as it leads to the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC.

Completing it: There are three Security Terminals in the southern area of the map, in the transport hub area. You'll need to Hack them one at a time. Every time you do, a timer will pop up, and you'll have 60 seconds to find a nearby Data Server. If you're having trouble finding them, there is a bar on the HUD that shows you when you're getting close. If you run out of time, you'll have to Hack the Security Terminal again to start over.

A Troublemaker

How to get it: If Conrad Verner survived Mass Effect 1, you'll find an asari on the way to the bar muttering to herself. Talk to her to learn there's "some human" making trouble nearby.

Completing it: That "some human" is Conrad Verner. Talk to him to learn that he thinks the bar is a front for selling the drug Red Sand. There's an unavoidable bug that causes him to accuse you of having pointed a gun at him in ME1, even if you didn't. Agree to help him. Go to Gateway Personal Defense in the southern area of the map (transport hub) and Talk to the shopkeeper. Use the Paragon or Renegade options to learn that she's just pretending to be a cop in order to take over the bar. Either Persuade option will get you a discount. The Renegade option here will cause her to disappear. The Paragon [Lie] option will cause her to get arrested. Return to Conrad and tell him to stop trying to save the galaxy.


Batarian Bartender

How to get it: Order a drink from Forvan, the bartender in lower Afterlife. You'll pass out and wake up in an alleyway with your squadmates asking if you're all right, and some other human who tells you that Forvan hates humans.

Completing it: Return to Forvan, and you'll have three ways of dealing with the barkeep:
1) Convince Forvan not to do it again for some Paragon Points.
2) Incite the crowd, and a nearby Turian named Ogrinn will shoot Forvan, and you'll earn some Paragon Points.
3) Force Forvan to drink his own poison. He'll die, and you'll earn some Renegade Points.

After you've left Omega, return and you'll find a Salarian Bartender. When you order a drink, Shepherd will ask him to hold the poison, and the salarian will apologize and offer drinks for free.

Datapad Recovered

How to get it: During "The Archangel" Dossier Mission, you'll come across a Datapad on a table in the Eclipse room, near Jaroth. Scan it.

Completing it: After the Mission, go to Omega, Talk to Aria T'laok to give her the data.

Missing Assistant

How to get it: During the Dossier Mission, "The Professor," Mordin will ask you to find his missing assistant, Daniel.

Completing it: You'll find Daniel in the first apartment past the clinic. As soon as you open the door, you'll enter dialog with him and the batarians holding him hostage. If you [Signal Henchmen] to kill the batarians, the batarians will get off a shot killing Daniel anyway. You can convince them to let Daniel go, then either honor your promise or kill them anyway. When you return to Mordin, and if you killed the batarians, Daniel will be annoyed with you, and whatever the outcome, Mordin will be pragmatic.

Packages for Ish

How to get it: After completing the Horizon Mission, a salarian named Ish will appear on the southeastern side of the map, between the entrance to the station and the door labeled "apartments." Talk to him and agree to get his data packages for him. If either Jacob or Miranda is in your squad, they'll recognize Ish, but there's nothing that comes of it.

Completing it: One Package is on the Citadel, sitting on a crate outside Saronis Applications, and the other is on Illium, sitting on a couch in the back of the bar. Return to Omega, and you'll have several options for completing this:
1) There is a bug here. After you pick up one or both of the packages and return to Omega, if you convince Ish his plan is a bad idea, he'll disappear, but you'll still have the Assignment in your log, and it'll never go away.
2) Give both packages to Ish for some Renegade Points.
3) If you read the data, you'll see that it has to do with Anto, one of Aria's bodyguards. So Talk to him and convince him the information would hurt Aria for some Paragon Points. You can also blackmail him for some Credits.
4) Pick up one package and give it to Ish, then pick up the other package and give it to Anto as in #3.

The Patriarch

How to get it: After you've completed one of the Dossier Missions on Omega, either "The Professor" or "The Archangel," Talk to Grizz, one of Aria's bodyguards. He'll tell you the old krogan is being threatened by the Blood Pack Mercs.

Completing it: Go to Lower Afterlife and Talk to Patriarch. You have three choices:
1) Convince Patriarch to hide for some Paragon Points.
2) Convince Patriarch to die gloriously for both Paragon and Renegade Points by saying What kind of krogan are you?.
3) Convince Patriarch to let you be his "krantt" by saying Let us be your "muscle". Leave Afterlife and you'll be confronted by the Blood Pack. Kill them for some Paragon Points, then return to Patriarch for some additional Points, either Paragon or Renegade depending on what you say to him.

Return to Aria for your reward. Your possible responses will vary depending on the outcome.

Struggling Quarian

How to get it: From the entrance to Omega, go east and Open the door to the north labeled "lower section." Go down the stairs and through the next door. Straight ahead, Talk to Kenn, who wants you to buy some of his stuff. To get a discount, respond with either Maybe we can cut a deal or Your prices are Insulting. Ask why he's there, and ask about Harrot. Tali will have some extra dialog if she's with you.

Completing it: Head up the stairs behind him and hang a right. Just up the next set of stairs on the left is Harrot's Emporium. Talk to Harrot. You have two ways to complete this:
1) The Paragon way is to say Let's talk about the quarian, followed by Leave the quarian alone. Return to Kenn, and he'll thank you. You can then offer to buy his ticket with I could pay your way for some more Paragon Points.
2) The Renegade way is to open with Good work with that quarian, followed by Just shut the quarian down. Kenn will be gone, but his store will still be there, along with the discount.


Abandoned Mine

How to get it: Buy the Star Chart for Minos Wasteland from Baria Frontiers on Illium. Go to Minos Wasteland: Fortis System, and Scan the planet Aequitas. Land on it.

Completing it: When you land, make your way into the facility and loot stuff as you go. There is a corpse to the right of the landing zone with some Credits on it. All the other loot is right in your path. Read the logs you come across to learn what happened here. Eventually, you'll enter the mine proper. As you go further in, on the higher difficulty settings you'll encounter endless waves of Husks. Just run up to the artifact and blow up the two bombs on either side of it. There is a Datapad with credits you can Bypass in the room right before the artifact, but the husks will hit you and eventually kill you while you're in the minigame. The Assignment ends as soon as the bombs go off.

Anomalous Weather Detected

How to get it: Go to Illium and buy the Star Chart for Pylos Nebula from Baria Frontiers. Then go to Pylos Nebula: Dirada System, and Scan Canalus. Land on it.

Completing it: Your goal is to deactivate the Weather Device to the north. The weather is quite foggy, but the device has a blue glow you can use to guide yourself to it. If you wander off to the sides, you'll find a whole bunch of Palladium lying around. Kill geth along the way. When you Access the Geth Device, the Assignment ends.

Archeological Dig Site

How to get it: Go to Rosetta Nebula: Enoch System, and Scan Joab. Land on the planet.

Completing it: Kill the Blue Suns mercenaries outside, loot the two boxes of Element Zero to the left, then go into the dig site. Kill and loot your way back to the Excavation Room. Read a PDA to trigger the Assignment "MSV Strontium Mule," then continue to the Artifact Room. Scan the Protean Artifact to end the Assignment.

Blood Pack Communications Relay / Blood Pack Base

How to get it: Go to Crescent Nebula: Lusarn, and Scan Tarith. Land on the planet.

Completing it: This is a foggy place, and you'll need to activate some beacons to guide your way. Along the way you'll be attacked by some insect-like creatures. If you take your time, you can find some side paths, where you can pick up some Platinum. Eventually you'll go up a hill and be attacked by some vorcha and a krogan. When they're dead, Bypass the Communication Terminal to end the Assignment. Back on the Normandy, you'll have a Private Message from Cerberus, telling you about a Blood Pack Base.

Go to Shrike Abyssal: Xe Cha System, and Land on Zada Ban. Fight and loot your way down to an area with two large generators, surrounded by Containment Cells. Shoot all the Containment Cells to destroy the generators, and you'll get a box in the lower right of the screen saying "Evacuate." Just go back the way you came and you'll trigger a cutscene of you and your squad narrowly escaping an explosion. Back on the Normandy, you'll have a Heavy Weapon Ammo Research Upgrade.

Blue Suns Base

How to get it: After completing the Assignment "MSV Strontium Mule," you'll have a message on your Private Terminal telling you why ships have gone missing, and this Assignment will enter your log once you read it.

Completing it: Go to Sigurd's Cradle: Decoris System, and Scan Sanctum. Land on the planet. When you exit the shuttle, several Blue Suns mercs will run out of their base. Kill them, loot the Iridium, then go inside.

More mercs will appear on the level below. Kill them, then find a Wall Safe in the room to the right and Bypass it for some Credits. Go through the door opposite into the Mess Hall, where you'll be attacked by more mercs. Go in the tunnel and find some more Iridium. In the large open area you'll find some Power Cells and some more Iridium. Go through the next door into a warehouse. Two heavy mechs will attack, followed by several blue suns mercs. On the side opposite from where you entered you can find a Med Kit blocked by a Fragile Crate. In the room on the left is a Wall Safe you can Bypass for some Credits. Bypass the middle door to find the Distress Beacon Control. When you Overload it, the Assignment will end, so make sure you're done exploring and looting before doing so.

When you get back aboard the Normandy, you'll have a new message. Reading it will unlock the Assignment "N7: Javelin Missiles Launched."

Captured Mining Facility

How to get it: Go to Crescent Nebula: Zelene System, and Scan Helyme. Land on the planet.

Completing it: There's nothing much outside. When you get to the open doorway, you'll be attacked by Eclipse mercs. Once they're dead, go inside the structure and take a left to find some Palladium. Double back and Bypass the door, then go through. Go up the ramp, and you'll be attacked by several more mercs. From the way you came in, to the right are some Power Cells, and in the southeastern corner is a Med Kit. When you Hack the Mainframe in the center of the area, you'll be attacked again. When the area is clear, Examine the Mainframe again, and the Assignment will end. Despite indications to the contrary, there is no follow-up Assignment to this.

Endangered Research Station

How to get it: Go to Caleston Rift: Solveig System and Scan Sinmara. Land on the planet.

Completing it: This is a solo mission, and there is nothing to shoot here. Make your way to the large platform at the end. Loot some Palladium on the way. Bypass the Station Central Control Terminal to lower the barriers to the platform. You'll need to turn on three systems, in order. First, use the switch in the middle of the platform to make sure the yellow lines in the ground are pointing to the system you want to turn on. Turn them on in this order: Activate the Cooling Unit, then Activate the Shield Generator, then Bypass the Shield control. When that's done, the Assignment is over.

Eclipse Smuggling Depot

How to get it:
1) Complete a couple of Assignments for Aira on Omega, and she'll tell you about it.
2) Go to Hourglass Nebula: Faryar and Scan Daratar. Land on the Planet.

Completing it: Take a couple of Tech specialists like Tali and Garrus with you. When you land, three YMIR Heavy Mechs will power up and begin destroying crates. There are 20 crates, and you get Credits for each crate you save. Use your squadmates' Tech powers to overload and stun the mechs. The crates are worth about 375 Credits each, so it's up to you if it's worth your time to reload your game in an attempt to save as many as possible. When the area is clear, search for some Power Cells, some Element Zero, and a Med-Kit. You choose when you'd like to return to the Normandy.

Imminent Ship Crash

How to get it: After you complete the Horizon Mission, you'll see a tag on the Galaxy Map indicating a "Crashing Ship." (It won't actually crash until you deal with it). Go to Pylos Nebula: Nariph System, and Dock with the MSV Broken Arrow.

Completing it: When you arrive on board, EDI will tell you there's a limited amount of time, and a six-minute timer will show up in your HUD. There is some loot on board, but you may want to ignore it in favor of completing the Assignment in time. Your first goal is to get the ship's power back online. Fight your way through the ship to the Engine Room. Once there, endless waves of geth will attack you, with a short pause between waves. There are two Power Couplings. In order to activate one, you have to stand facing it for a few seconds, until the bar in the HUD completes. If you get shot while doing this, the bar resets and you have to start over. So wait for a pause between waves of geth before activating them. Once the power is back on, you have to start the engines. The Engine Control is also in this room. Go up the ramp to Bypass it and end the Assignment.

Javelin Missiles Launched

How to get it: After completing the Mission on Horizon, EDI will send you a Private Message informing you of a colony in danger.

Completing it: Go to Sigurd's Cradle: Skepsis System, and Land on Franklin . When you enter the base, EDI will tell you that you only have five minutes to disable the missiles, and a timer will start in your HUD. There are several batarians trying to kill you, but you should have plenty of time despite their best efforts. If you're still worried about time, skip the loot, because you can come back for it later.

When you Hack the terminal at the end, you'll discover that you can only destroy one of the two missiles that were launched. You can only save either the Colonists or the Spaceport, but not both. When you've made your choice, you'll be promted to hit the melee key to return to the Normandy. Before doing so, you can retrace your steps in order to loot stuff.

Lost Operative

How to get it: After the Prologue, when you've got control of the Normandy, you'll get a Private Message from Cerberus, informing you that one of their operatives has gone missing.

Completing it: Go to Omega Nebula: Fathar System, and Scan Lorek, then land on the planet. Just to your right amongst some crates is some Platinum. Go up the ramp and hang a right. As you approach the door, it'll open and several Eclipse mercs will come out of a door further in. Kill them, then go straight in to find a Med Kit and a Wall Safe you can Bypass for some Credits.

Bypass the Holding Cell Access to open the other two doors from the main room. More mercs will pour out and attack you. Go in the door to the right to find some Platinum. Bypass the other door, and inside you'll find the dead Lost Operative, and a Computer Console on which you can Access Data Logs. You'll then have three choices: 1) Keep the data for yourself, 2) Upload it to Cerberus, or 3) Upload it to Alliance HQ. The choices have no bearing on anything, so do whatever you think your Shepard would do. When you've made your choice, the Assignment will end, and you'll have a Private Message from whomever you sent the data to.

Mining the Canyon

How to get it: Go to Caleston Rift: Talava System and Scan Taitus. Land on the planet.

Completing it: You'll see a deactivated mech nearby, as well as some Power Cells. Bypass the Mech to unlock it, then pick up the Power Cells and use them on the mech. It'll power up and begin moving forward. The power bar at the bottom of the screen won't last long however, and you'll have to find more Power Cells near where it powers down to get it going again. Do this four times. The only time you'll have to fire your weapon is when a pair of varren attack. Otherwise, just follow the mech until it blows up. Then you can loot the Platinum, and the Assignment will end.

MSV Estevanico

How to get it: Go to Hourglass Nebula: Ploitari System and Scan Zanethu, launching a probe at the Anomaly. Land on the planet.

Completing it: You'll exit the shuttle all by yourself. There are some panels you'll have to shoot at the beginning, but otherwise there's nothing else to use your weapon on. The wreck will sway back and forth, and you'll occasionally be stunned for a second, but nothing bad will happen. Follow the only path you can, and eventually you'll come to some stairs just hanging out in the air. When you walk on them, they'll fall to the level below. Loot the four containers of Iridium as you go, and Access the Mainframe at the end. This will complete the Assignment.

MSV Strontium Mule

How to get it: During the Assignment "Archeological Dig Site," you'll learn that the Blue Suns have taken over a derelict ship. When you get back to the Normandy, you'll have a Private Message from Cerberus asking you to check it out.

Completing it: Go to Omega Nebula: Arinlarkan System and Board the MSV Strontium Mule. Make your way up to the Bridge, killing mercenaries as you go. To open the door, you'll have to Hack the Security Console to the left. Once Captain Vorhess is dead, several more mercs will attack you from behind. When they're dead, the ship will be yours to explore. Loot stuff, and be sure to read the Ship's main log on the Bridge for the code to open the Payload. In the Storage Room, access the payload, and then hit the key to end the Assignment. Back on the Normandy, you'll have a Private Message that'll start the Assignment "Blue Suns Base."

Quarian Crash Site

How to get it: Go to Hades Nexus: Sheol System and Scan Gei Hinnom. Land on the planet.

Note: If you have it, the Arc Projector is very effective here.

Completing it: In the landing site, Read the Personal Logs and loot the Med Kit and Palladium.Then just follow the path until you meet an injured quarian named Forzan vas Idenna. When you Stabilize her, endless waves of varren will then attack, and you'll have to keep them away from Forzan until the shuttle can come pick you up. Forzan's health bar will show up in the lower right corner of the HUD. If she dies, you'll have to retry. As the varren are numberless, just hustle on to the shuttle as soon as you can to end the Assignment.

Wrecked Merchant Freighter

How to get it: Go to Eagle Nebula: Amun System and Scan Neith. Land on the planet.

Completing it: Your goal is to Deactivate the Signal Transmitter at the far end of the map. Before you do so, however, take the time to explore the area. Read the logs and loot what you can (three sets of Credits from Damaged Mech Parts, four boxes of Platinum, one Med Kit, one box of Power Cells). When you do Deactivate the Signal Transmitter, endless waves of mechs will attack you, and the visibility will decrease. (It's possible there are, as the Shipping Manifest says, 181 mechs you could fight off, though I've never stuck around so long to find out) The Assignment will end when you board the shuttle.

When you return to the Normandy, you'll have a private message from EDI explaining that the last place the MSV Corsica docked was Jarrahe Station.

Abandoned Research Station

Go to Eagle Nebula: Strabo System and Dock with Jarrahe Station.

When you arrive, you'll find yourself locked in. There are no enemies to shoot here, so you can put away your weapons. Make your way through the first few rooms, looting and reading logs as you go. You'll come to a large room with a smaller room in the middle, which you can't enter yet. First, you have to restore power in four places:

  1. The first Power Console is in the Processing Office. There's no puzzle here, just turn it on.
  2. Go west from the Hub and activate the Power Console in the Medical Bay. This will lock you in, but you'll notice three lights on a table in the middle of the room. To unlock all the doors at once, press them in this order: right, middle, left, middle.
  3. On the east side of the Hub is the Research Lab. When you turn on the Power Console here, the VI again locks you in the room. Use the Computers to reposition the mirrors so the laser goes around the room and hits its target.
  4. North of the Hub is Engineering. Time your run through the plasma vents to avoid the blasts. You might want to leave your squadmates behind so they don't get hit. Go straight ahead and make a left 180 up the ramp, followed by another left. At the top, activate the Power Console. This shuts down the plasma vents, and you can safely loot stuff on your way back to the Hub.
There's one switch to throw on the front of the Hub, then you can go in and shut down the VI, ending the Assignment. Back aboard the Normandy, EDI will have sent you a Private Message telling you she's found the source of the viri that caused problems in the previous two places.

Hahne-Kedar Facility

Go to Titan Nebula: Haskins System, and Scan Capek, then Land on it. There is nothing to loot outside, but a few mechs will exit the door as you approach and attack you. Enter the facility and access the logs in the first room. When you do, a mech on the other side of the window will walk a few steps then explode. Keep your distance to avoid the shrapnel. Bypass a Wall Safe here for some Credits, then delve deeper in to the facility.

You'll come to a large room with a maze of crates to your left. Read the DataPad on the floor here, then go straight ahead to find some Element Zero. Go down the ramp. If you take a left, there are some Power Cells to loot. Go back right, and fend off the endless waves of mechs that attack you. If you can't survive taking point yourself, order your squad mates to move ahead of you incrementally. Another strategy is to let your squadmates deal with the first set of mechs, and then just run between the crates to the other side of the room. When you get to the ramp, to the right is some more Element Zero. Now go up the ramp, and the mechs will stop coming when you get to the next room. Go straight ahead to find yet more Element Zero. Go up the ramps and through the door. Shutdown the Production Line, and a successful Hack will cause the Assignment to end.


Download and install the Arrival DLC. After Horizon, if you access the Private Terminal next to the Galaxy Map, you'll get an audio from Admiral Hackett asking you to take the message privately. Go to Shepard's Cabin and use the Private Terminal there. Hackett will then explain that he wants you to go and rescue a friend of his. Go to Viper Nebula: Bahak System, and Land on Aratoht. (This make some plot sense if you wait to do it until after the Suicide Mission. It also counts towards advancing the conversation with Legion.)

As Hackett explained, this is a solo mission. When you land, you'll see a locked door. Hit the Cut Power switch to the right to get in. You'll come to a bridge that won't budge. Instead, go down the ramp to the left, kill the lone varren that attacks you, and activate that bridge control. Go back up, cross the bridge, and go up the stairs. You may see a varren running around in here. Find it and kill it first, then Cut Power to the Power Relay to bring down the barriers.

Continue around the only path you can until you come to a dead end where you can shoot an object in the ceiling to open a passageway. Activate the Gas Valve to stop the flames, then continue. Activate this second Gas Valve, then a third to your left. Kill the varren that rushes you. Yes, this blocks your way for now, but go back to the second valve and through the door. Listen to the Personal Log, Open the Locker for some Credits, and Scan the Technology for a Heavy Weapon Ammo Upgrade Research.

Go back to the third Gas Valve and Activate it to continue. (From here on in I'm going to explain as if you want the Covert Action Achievement. If not, just kill the guards as you please. Otherwise, avoid killing the guards until you get to the good Doctor.) Go through the hallway, up some stairs, and through a couple doors until you get to a rainy outside area. Go left out the door and straight ahead to Cut Power to a Power Relay. Backtrack a bit and hop up on the bed of the blue truck, then up to the level above. Go in the door to the left, and Open the locker on the shelf to the right for some Credits. Take a right out of this room and an immediate left to find some Iridium in the next room. Double back and hop down to the ground level on the left, then go up the stairs and through the door.

There are guards in the next room, but you can just walk past the open doorway and they won't see you, as they're facing the opposite direction. As you round the corner, a shuttle will arrive. If you go right along the catwalk, those two guards will see you, so instead run into the door on the left. Here, Activate the Crane Control to move it out of the way, then hit the switch on the left once, then the switch on the right twice. Hop down the crates to the level below and pick up the now-revealed Iridium and PDA with a Medi-Gel Capacity Upgrade Research.

Next, Activate the Vehicle Lift to lower it, and hop down to the next level. Activate the lift again to raise the vehicle, revealing a Med Kit and a PDA with some Credits on it. Go through the door down here, and go straight ahead. Open the Locker for some Credits, Listen to the Security Log, then Cut Power to the Power Relay. Even though one of the guards in the next room appears to be facing you, just walk past them and you won't alert them. Go around the corner to the left and open the door.

After you release Dr. Kenson, it's weapons free, and you should have the Covert Action Achievement. Loot some Credits from a Terminal in the torture room, kill the one guard who came from the same direction you did, then hang a left and go down the stairs to find a Med Kit. Continue down some more stairs, and kill guards until you come to a Security Console in a room to the right. Examine it, and Dr. Kenson will start hacking it. You should run back to the door you just came through, kill the three guards that come through, then close it, because guards will come through it until you do. Then it's just a matter of fending off the remaining guards until Dr. Kenson is done. Walk out to the middle of the chamber, and Use the Elevator Control to go up.

When you get to the hangar, kill the guards and work your way forward. You'll need to destroy the two objects, one on either side of the hangar doors to open them. When both doors are open and the area is clear, Board the Shuttle. You'll then have a conversation with Dr. Kenson, and you'll wind up at her Project Base.

Collect some Credits from the Shipping Records to the right. You can also change your Weapons Loadout here. Opposite the door Dr. Kenson is standing at you'll find some Palladium, and on the left side of the doorway are some Power Cells. When you're ready, follow Dr. Kenson to the Artifact Room, looting some more Palladium along the way.

Surprise! Your immediate goal is to survive as long as possible. If you want the Last Stand Achievement, you'll have to survive all five waves of enemies. Regardless of how long you last you will eventually be knocked unconscious. When you come to, you'll need to Assume Control of the nearby Mech. Use it to kill the Scientist, then destroy several other mechs on your way to destroying the Power Junction. This will open up the door and you can get out. Don't worry if the mech you're controlling is destroyed, as there are plenty more to use.

Play the Research Log as you go to the Armor and Weapons to Equip yourself. Don't go through the Bypassable door yet. Instead go the opposite direction to find a room containing a Research Log you can Play, and loot some Element Zero. Now go and Bypass the other door. Kill some guards in the hallway and continue through the next door and the next hallway. More guards will attack you in the Living Quarters. Before you leave, find some Mech Parts to Salvage for Credits.

In the next large room, kill off some guards, then Play another Research Log and Open a Wall Safe for some Credits. Go through the next two doors and kill all the guards in the large room. Play yet another Research Log and loot the Element Zero before going through the next door and down the hallway. In the Medical Center, kill some more guards, and prioritize the Pyros, as they like to get close. Once they're clear, you'll find a Medical Station. When you're ready, Use the Engine Control to get this rock moving. You'll then have a choice of whether to [Warn batarian colonies] or [Call Normandy for pickup]. Regardless of your choice, Dr. Kenson will try to blow up the asteroid. Your next task is to stop her. Kill the guards who attack you, then take then elevator they arrived in.

You'll start in dialog with Dr. Kenson. She'll get away, and you'll be attacked by two guards. After you kill them, find some Element Zero before Overloading the Door Lock to continue. Take the elevator, then loot some more Element Zero. You'll be attacked by several guards as you go through the next hallway. Kill them, then Use the Cooling Controls. Once that's done, go around corner and kill the guards. Walk around the corner where they were and take the elevator down. Go around the corner where you'll find a Medical Station and a PDA with some Credits on it. Use the Safety Console to Deactivate Plasma Venting, then go through the door you just passed.

Kill the guards to the left, then go in the door to the right to find some Element Zero. Go back where the guards were, and more will attack from the area to the left. Once they're clear, go down into that area towards a locked door. Destroy the Explosive Crate on the right to continue. Go around the corner, kill the guard and use the Security Console to Remove Lockdown. Go through the now-open door and kill the two guards before riding the elevator up.

Loot some Element Zero before riding the next elevator up. Access a PDA in the next room for some Credits, then go though the door. The next room contains many guards hiding behind crates. Cautiously make your way through, then Bypass the door at the end. In the next room, loot some Element Zero, Access a Wall Safe for some Credits, then Use the Cooling Control. Go down the elevator behind you. A scene will play, where Dr. Kenson will pull out a grenade. There is a Renegade Interrupt Opportunity where you can shoot her, but the grenade still blows up. If you miss it, she'll detonate the grenade herself.

Your final task is to get to an escape shuttle. Get on the elevator to the next part. Go through the next door, then take the door on the left, about halfway down the hallway. Inside, loot the Palladium, then Open the Wall Safe for some Credits, and Collect the Analysis Data for a Heavy Skin Weave Upgrade Research. Continue through the next door and find some Survey Data between the stairs for some Credits. Pick up some Power Cells through the next door. The final door will take you outside, where you'll have to fight several guards. Your goal is to Activate the Comm Relay. In addition to the Alpha Mass Relay growing bigger in the sky, there is also a bar in the lower right corner of your HUD showing you how close it is. I can't imagine it taking you that long to finish, but if it does, you get to see the asteroid slam into the Relay, but you die and have to repeat this section. One strategy is to ignore all the enemies, and just run past them to the communications sattelite. Activate it to win.

When you do succeed, you'll enter into dialog with a hologram of Harbinger (if you're doing this before the Suicide Mission, the hologram is the big Collector boss. Afterwards, it's the reaper himself.) Then you get a nice cinematic of your timely escape from the system. Afterwards, you'll be in med bay and get to have a dialogue with Admiral Hackett. This conversation sets up where Shepard starts in Mass Effect 3. Remember to Research those Upgrades you found during the Mission.

Normandy Crash Site

Download and install the Cerberus Network and Normandy Crash Site DLC. Go to Omega Nebula: Amada System, and Scan Alchera. Land on the planet. You'll arrive alone, with some eerie music playing. There are three miscellaneous things to pick up:

There are 20 Dog Tags scattered around the site. They'll shine with a bright effect when you get near them. 16 of the Tags are laying out in the open, and 4 are inside of the fragile crates, which you'll have to shoot or melee to break open.

Your last task is to place the Memorial. As you walk around the site, a box will pop up in various places, telling you to use the melee button in order to place it at that location. There are several possible locations, and it doesn't matter where you put it. After you've placed the Memorial, you'll be allowed to return to the Normandy via the shuttle, but I recommend sticking around to find all the other stuff, if you haven't already.


Download and install the Overlord DLC. Go to Phoenix Massing: Typhon System, and Land on Aite. (For plot, I recommend doing the Firewalker DLC before this one. You may wish to save this until after the Suicide Mission, as it counts towards advancing the conversation count with Legion.)

From the landing pad, go down the ramp to the right to find some Palladium. Go through the door in front of the Hammerhead, then down the stairs. Listen to Dr. Archer's brief explanation on the monitor, then go past the door to the right. Shoot the cracked glass then go in to the otherwise locked room and Listen to Archer's Log. Also in this room are a Medical Station and a Cerberus Terminal, from which you can Recover Funds. Exit the door to this room and hang a right through the next door.

In the next room is another of Archer's Logs you can Listen to, as well as the Control Panel you need to Retract Dish to move things along. Unfortunately, the dish doesn't retract as you had hoped, and Archer tells you what you need to do. Go through the now-open door to your left, down the stairs, and Examine a PDA on the floor for some Credits. Continue down the next set of stairs and through the next door.

In the cafeteria a few geth will attack you. Kill the first group, then go down the stairs a bit to trigger the next group. Once the area is clear, loot the Medical Station and Recover Funds from the Cash Register. In the kitchen you'll find some Power Cells. When you're ready, head up the stairs and into the sleeping quarters. There, you can Listen to another of Archer's Logs, and a there's Wall Safe you can just Open for Credits.

Backtrack your way to the opposite end of the cafeteria and go through the door into a room with a couple of corpses. Here you will find a Medical Station and some Spare Parts you can Salvage for Credits. The next door takes you into the Tram. Use the console to take you to the radar dish. Follow the only path available. There is a small room to the left with some Power Cells. Some geth will attack on your way to the dish. Extend the walkway, and as you approach the door, more geth attack from the walkway to your left. You'll need to Bypass the door to get in. Waves of geth will attack from the right and from the stairs in the middle. Clear them, then go up the stairs.

When you get to the top, your goal will be to destroy three of the four struts holding the dish in place. Go to each Strut Console in turn and Expose Capacitor, then destroy it. Do this while fending off waves of geth. After you escape the dramatic cutscene, you enter into dialog with Dr. Archer, who explains what's really going on. The conversation has several Paragon and Renegade choices, but no opportunities for any points either way. When you're done investigating, use the "I'm ready" option to exit dialog, then head outside and get in the Hammerhead to continue the Assignment.

You now need to visit two small stations to override their lockdowns of Atlas station. As you descend the ramp, Vulcan Station is to the left, and Prometheus is to the right. Along the way, you'll come across a bonus goal of collecting six data packets. Five are fairly easy to find, being located in man-made outposts, some of which are guarded by turrets. One, however, is located under the rocky bridge leading to Vulcan Station, and is guarded by heavy mechs. Drive the Hammerhead over a glowing circle and hold the right mouse button until the scanner finishes. When you've gotten all six, you'll have the Achievement "Data Hound." Note that you cannot save while in the Hammerhead, so don't take any big risks. When the Hammerhead is damaged, you'll hear an alarm sound and see flames coming out of the vehicle. When that happens, just take cover until the alarm is quiet again.

Prometheus Station

When you arrive at the geth ship, go forward and down into the valley. A geth cannon will target you, but one shot will kill you. Watch out for the reddish targeting lasers, and avoid them while shooting at the four generators. You can also park near a generator until the targeting lines get to you, then high-tail it out of the area and let the geth cannon do your work for you. Once all four Shield generators are down, take out the geth cannon itself. Before you approach the entrance to the ship, you can find some Platinum by scanning a circle on the opposite side of the valley. When you're ready, approach the ship and press the "leave planet" key.

When you do, you and your squad will be outside the Hammerhead. Pick up the Platinum to your right, then go inside the door. Go through the next door and past the hovering green geth. Listen to the Research Log on the corpse of a human, then go up the ramp and find another Research Log. Continue and Salvage some Lab Equipment for some Credits, then go through the door. At then end of the hallway are another Research Log and a Med Kit. Go through the only open door here, down the stairs, to the left, and into a small room where you can Salvage some more Lab Equipment for Credits. Go back down the hallway, Listen to another Research Log, open the door on the right, and go down some more stairs to open another door.

Hop over the barrier to the right and Salvage some more Lab Equipment for Credits. Hop back over the barrier and Listen to another Research Log. Through the next door is a large, damaged lab area containing another Research Log. Through the next door is an even larger room with several platforms over some water. Go up the stairs to the left, and you'll see a series of switches. One will select which platform to move, and the other switches are directional buttons. Your goal is the Override Switch on the large computer in the middle, but first you should arrange the platforms to get to the area on the right. Once there, you can loot some Power Cells, a Med Kit, and a Laptop with Credits.

Reposition the platforms, and on the main area, loot the Med Kit and Hack the Laptop before you Use the Override Switch, because when you do, all the geth in the facility will come alive. You will then have to fight your way back out to the Hammerhead. The path will be a bit different than on your way in, because the Rogue AI will have closed some doors and opened others. When you get back to the Hammerhead, this part of the Assignment will end, and you'll find yourself in the open area between Stations.

Vulcan Station

From the starting point, go straight, down the ramp, hop the river of lava, and go into the building. Go across the first two sets of vents when they're not venting, then hover over the large cluster of vents. When they fire, hit the jump key and land on the ledge above. Take out the turret in the cave, then hang a left at the fork to find some Iridium. Go back and take the other branch of the fork. Fall off the cliff, then jump from island to island to the other side of the lava river. Jump on to the steam vent, then use its steam to boost your jump to the next ledge. Here, you'll need to enter the alcove in the middle of the facility to turn on the next steam vent. When you get close enough, a dialog will pop up instructing you to use the "leave planet" key.

Once on foot, proceed in the door and up the stairs. Kill the three mechs, then go through the next door. Access the Research Log, then Bypass the Valve A3 Control. Go back outside and get in the Hammerhead. Use the now active vent to boost your jump up to the next ledge.

Halfway along the valley is a turret. Once you've destroyed it, you can pick up some Iridium from a spot right next to it. Continue, and you'll come to another river with floating rock islands. You'll have to hop from island to island again, but this time you'll have to hop downstream to the next area of solid ground. Use the vent on the right to fly up and find another spot of Iridium. Hop up the ledges to the left to find another spot of Iridium, but beware the two turrets guarding it.

The next lava river is like the last, but you have to go upstream. Approach the large doors and exit the Hammerhead. Go up the stairs and through two doors. Bypass Valve D4 Control, then go down the adjacent ramp to Access a Datapad for some Credits. That way becomes blocked, so backtrack a bit and shoot the Explosive Container to clear a new path. On the first landing up the stairs is a Med Kit. Continue up, and kill the mechs and drones that attack you. There are some more Explosive Containers you can strategically shoot to make this fight a cinch. Towards the back of the platform you'll find a fallen pipe to walk up to the next level.

Go in the door on the left to find a Wall Safe with some Credits in it, as well as a Research Log to listen to. Go back out and through the doorway to the left. Loot the Medical Station in here, then continue and fight some more mechs and drones. Access the computer on the left for some Credits, then go through the door. Bypass the next door, and a cutscene will play, showing your squad hitting the Override Switch. You'll also have a Renegade Interrupt Opportunity, whereby you shoot the partially disabled mech. If you don't take it, one of your squad mates will take the shot. After the cutscene, this part of the Assignment will conclude, and you'll be back in the Hammerhead, in the open area between Stations.

Atlas Station

After you've hit the Override Switches in both Prometheus and Vulcan Stations, Atlas Station will be available. From the open area, follow the arrows there. This time, you won't have to fly the Hammerhead in, you'll start on foot. Go straight ahead and in the door. It says Bypass on it, but it'll open as you approach. Investigate the Damaged Machinery straight ahead to hear one of Archer's Logs. The next two doors say Examine on them, but will open up as you approach. At the base of some stairs, the doors in front will shut, then cycle, and the one on the left will open. Inside, another of Archer's Logs will play as you approach. Also in this room are a Med Kit and some Computer Hardware you can Salvage for some Credits. At the far end, hit the switch to Summon the elevator. Hit it three times, then it malfunctions. Turn around and Begin Decomposition Simulation on the 3D Diagnostic Console to reset the system, then use the Level 3 Computer near the Med Kit to send the elevator to Level 3. Lastly, hit the Summon button twice to bring the elevator to you. Take cover, kill the geth that come with the elevator, then enjoy the ride down to Floor 1.

In this room, as you listen to one of Archer's Logs, Scan the geth to the left for some Heavy Skin Weave Upgrade Research, pick up some Palladium, and Hack a computer for some Credits. Go through the door, then the next one's knob moves when you try to open it. Access the VI Server Control in the next room, and Shepard enters a Tron-like world, cut off from your squad-mates. In the next room, you'll kill three geth. After that is a lab, where you'll see Archer working with his brother. Loot the Palladium and the Power Cells, then Examine the two Disturbances as they appear in order to see more history. Hop the wall towards the geth hub, and loot the Med Kit and Wall Safe, then continue on.

You'll need to shoot the VI Connection to open the next door. Inside, you'll find some Power Cells, Palladium, and some Salvageable Hardware. Activate the Elevator Controls on the desk, kill the geth who ride up, then get on the elevator yourself. Ride it down and watch the history lesson. You'll then need to shoot the VI Connections to open up the core. They will travel up the chords from the core to the pillars. When they reach a pillar, the VI will start uploading to the Normandy. If that process completes, it's game over. Fend off the geth and destroy the VI Connections. Shoot the VI Core while it's exposed. Repeat this a few times, and David will stop. Archer will then show up and beg for mercy. At the end of the ensuing conversation, the fate of David is in your hands. Choose either to free him with David is coming with me or leave him there with The project needs him. Lastly, you'll have a corresponding Interrupt Opportunity. The Assignment then ends. consequences

Project Firewalker

Download and install the Firewalker DLC. Go to Ismar Frontier: Zeona System, and Scan, thenLand on Zeona. (For continuity reasons, I recommend doing this before Project Oerlord.)

Shepard and squad will exit the Normandy's shuttle on foot at the crash site of the MSV Rosalie. There's nothing to do and no enemies to shoot, so go straight ahead and Bypass the Cargo Computer Control to open the container. Doing so causes you to enter the Hammerhead. Check your key bindings for how to use this vehicle. Your goal here is to Scan seven data sites, shown on the HUD as large blue glowing animated cylinders. The Hammerhead wiggles around while you're scanning, so you'll have to use the directional controls to keep the vehicle over the yellowish target circle. The only thing that can hurt the Hammerhead here is lava, so don't fall in. You cannot save while in the Hammerhead, and there's no way to just hop out.

After the third set of data, you'll have to shoot an obstacle to continue. In the next area, go down to the ground level and start with the circle down there, then work your way up and around the buttes, scanning circles as you go. Once all the circles are scanned, the mission will be complete, and you can press the Leave Planet key to return to the Normandy. Once back on board, you'll have a new message at your Private Terminal informing you that there are three places to visit in your efforts to find the missing scientists. The first three can be visited in any order, and the last location will only open up once you've completed the first three. (The order listed here makes the most sense to me, continuity-wise.)

Geth Incursion

Go to Phoenix Massing: Chomos System, and Scan then Land on Latesh.

This planet is extremely cold, and the Hammerhead can't take it. If it freezes, the game will end. Therefore, move fast between scanning sites. When you complete a scan, the Hammerhead will regain heat. Once all 10 Nodes are scanned, press the Leave Planet key to return to the Normandy and end the Assignment.

Survey Sites

Go to Hawking Eta Cluster: Verr System, and Scan then Land on Corang.

There are five survey sites you need to scan here. All are guarded by geth. Falling in acid or getting hit by weapons will damage the vehicle. There is no health bar for the Hammerhead, so instead, listen for an increasingly annoying alarm and watch for flames leaping from the vehicle. Thankfully, it auto-repairs, so all you have to do to recover from damage is find a safe place and sit still until the alarms are silenced. Otherwise, just follow the only path available and scan the Artifact Sites.

There are also 4 Sites here where you can scan to pick up Platinum. the first is on an island near Artifact 2, the second is to the left on a platform between Artifacts 3 and 4, the third is up a ramp near Artifact 4, and the last is just past Artifact 5 on the right. When you're ready, press the Leave Planet key to return to the Normandy and end the Assignment.

Volcano Station

Go to Caleston Rift: Yakawa System, and Scan then Land on Karumpto.

You'll start out in the Hammerhead, with the goal of reaching the Research Station at the bottom. There are eight Iridium sites along the way. If you want them all, begin by taking a left down to the first two, then return to the starting position and take the other path for the remaining six sites.

When you do reach the Research Station, you'll need to press the Leave Planet key to get out of the Hammerhead. This will put you directly in the base itself. There are no enemies inside, so relax. In the Docking Bay where you start is a Medical Station. Go up the ramp and through the door. To the left are the Crew Quarters, where you can loot a Wall Safe and read a DataPad containing Dr. Cayce's first log. Opposite here is the Main Lab. Before you touch anything, Bypass the door to the Storage Room where you can loot some Iridium. Back in the Lab, Examine the Computer Console to hear a log from Dr. Cayce, then go down either ramp and Open the Locker for some Credits. Use the Terminal up front to read Dr. Cayce's second log, then Activate the Sensors.

This gives you the location of the Prothean Site, but also makes the volcano explode. So high-tail it out to the Hammerhead and get in. You'll then just have to follow the path up and out of the volcano. Beware, however, that the lava rises steadily, creating a time limit for you. On your way out, you may notice an Iridium site, and you should have just enough time to scan it if you're quick.

Prothean Site

After you've been to the other three places, go to Hades Nexus: Hoplos System, then Scan and Land on Kopis.

When you land in the Hammerhead, its VI will suggest destroying the four power sources in order to gain access to the Site. The Generators are easily traced by the handy glowing blue lines in the ground. As you approach each Generator, you'll be attacked by drones. There are also four Element Zero sites at even intervals on the upper ledges. Once all four Generators are deactivated, go to the Dig Site and use the Leave Planet key to exit the Hammerhead. You and your squad will then be on foot.

There are no enemies here; bummer. Go up the nearby ramp, and follow the only path you can. In the first little room, Read a DataPad of Dr. Cayce's thoughts and loot some Element Zero. At the base of a long spiral ramp, Examine a Dead Body for some Credits, loot some more Element Zero, and Listen to another Journal of Dr. Cayce's. Round the corner to Examine a Research Terminal, which will give you some Biotic Damage Research. Also nearby are another audio Journal and a Computer Console you'll need to Hack to open the way to the Prothean Artifact.

As you approach the shiny, Read the DataPad to learn of Dr. O'Loy's final thoughts. Approach the artifact, and you'll get a cutscene, after which the Mission will end, and you'll be back aboard the Normandy. The Relic itself will be in Shepard's Cabin, and will pulse when you Examine it. You may remember a similar artefact from Mass Effect 1.

Lair of the Shadow Broker

This is the only part of the game where Liara will be a squad member, so I recommend holding off on this until you're at max level, so Liara will have all of her Talent Points available.

Download and install the Shadow Broker DLC. After Horizon, you'll have a message on your Private Terminal saying Cerberus has some information for Liara. Go to Crescent Nebula: Tasale System, and Land on Illium. When you first arrive at Nos Astra, capitol of Illium, you'll be greeted by a Concierge. Things are a bit tense with her, but you can calm her down and then learn about the place from her Investigate options.

Go through the Trading Floor area to the south, and go up the stairs near the "administration" sign. Talk to Nyxeris to learn about her, then go through the door and you'll enter into dialog with Liara. If you romanced her in Mass Effect 1, she'll kiss you. Otherwise you just get a hug. If you haven't already, ask her about Samara and Thane, and do her System Hacking and The Observer Assignments first. If you don't, she'll no longer be available to give or complete them after doing this DLC. When you're sure you've done everything else you want to do with her, tell her you're ready to take on the Shadow Broker. She'll leave and go to her apartment.

Take a cab from the southern edge of the city to Liara's Apartment. When you arrive, you'll find some police investigating a shooting. Convince the Spectre, Vasir, to let you look around. The objects downstairs are interesting, but don't lead anywhere. When you Examine the Picture upstairs, it'll change, unlocking the Prothean Relics for your inspection. The one you want is in the large case at the base of the stairs. You'll then fly to the Dracon Trade Center, where you witness a large explosion.

The Civilians are just confused. Go past them and through the door. The elevator to the left doesn't work, so use the stairs opposite. Next to the stairs is a Locker with some Credits in it. Find a Medical Station on the first landing, then continue up. Before you go up the next set of stairs, there's a PDA on the ground with some Credits, and another Medical Station around the corner. At the top of the stairs you'll find an ATM to Hack for some Credits, and some Power Cells to the right. Go through the two doors to the left, and you'll be attacked by Shadow Broker Agents as you round the corner. In the middle of the area is a Terminal you can Access for some Credits. At the end of the offices are a Medical Station and another Terminal you can Access for Credits.

You'll come to some stairs blocked by fire. Go in the doorway to the left and Use the Maintenance Console to put out the fire, loot the Element Zero, Salvage the Spare Parts for some Credits, then go up the stairs. You'll be attacked by some more Agents. Access the Research Terminal for a Heavy Pistol Damage Upgrade, then Open a Wall Safe for some Credits. Open the door to see Liara save your life.

Fight your way back to where you arrived. You'll team up with Liara from here on out, so you'll have to pick only one of your squad mates to come with you.

Now you get to steer the flying car yourself. The goal is to keep up with Vasir. If you get too far behind, you'll lose her and will have to start the section over. Hold Boost (same key as Sprint) most of the time. Use either the directional keys or the mouse to steer. There's no way to be destroyed, so don't worry too much about running in to stuff. Eventually, Vasir crashes on a hotel, and you land to give chase.

The landing zone will be attacked by several waves of Agents. Be sure to allocate talent points for Liara. There is a Med Kit in the car you flew in on. In the door to the left is another Med Kit and a Wall Safe you can Bypass for some Credits. The wreck of Vasir's car contains some Power Cells and a Damage Protection Upgrade. Around the corner, the next suite has a Med Kit and a Weapons Locker in the room to the right. In the open area are a Medical Station and a Datapad with some Credits on it.

Open the next door, and you'll see a cutscene where Vasir takes a hostage. Use either the Paragon or Renegade options to resolve it, and then you'll enter into combat with Vasir. Take cover and concentrate on her reinforcements. Just stay alive and slowly burn her down. After she dies, you and Liara will discuss the next move. During this conversation you'll have three Paragon Interrupt Opportunities.

A cinematic will play showing your arrival on the Shadow Broker's Lair. You'll get to choose one squad mate to join you and Liara. You'll need to make your way north, fighting Agents as you go. You can shoot the capacitors to damage nearby enemies, but they'll damage yourself and allies as well. Along the way, you'll find two sets of Conductor Components to Salvage for Credits, some Power Cells, some Palladium, and two Medical Stations. Eventually, you'll come to a door, and Liara will start hacking it. You'll then need to fend off five waves of enemies. Despite Liara's advice, they only come from one direction at a time.

Once inside, follow the hallway and kill enemies until you come to the Prison Block, where you can Access a Terminal for Credits and loot a Med Kit. Bypass the door to meet Feron. After the conversation, more Agents will attack. When they're dead, go through the next door and around the hall to another door. Before going through, loot another Terminal and a Med Kit. Through the second door is the Shadow Broker. You'll talk for awhile, then he'll knock out your other squad member, and it'll be just you and Liara against him.

There are three phases to the fight: 1) Wear down his shields and armor like any other boss. Then he'll bring up a new kind of special protection that you'll have to run up to and melee. 2) Next, he'll have a shield up that you'll have to aim around to hit him. Once you wear him down again, you'll have to run up to him and punch his special protection. 3) Repeat of phase two, except he'll die at the end.

After the conversation with Liara, you'll be just outside the door to her office, dressed casually. Go straight ahead and enter to find several things to do:

The Normandy

FBA Couplings

How to get it: Down on Deck 4, Talk to engineers Daniels and Donnelly. Ask if they need anything, and Donnely will mention some couplings that would make their jobs easier. Agree to look for them.

Completing it: Go to Omega Station, and buy the FBA Couplings from Kenn's Salvage. Return to the engineers and hand them in. They'll then offer a game of poker. If you say the neutral option, then it's a straight-up game and you have a chance of either winning or losing 100 Credits. If you say either the Paragon or Renegade options, you'll win 500 Credits.

Serrice Ice Brandy

How to get it: On Deck 3, Talk to Dr. Chakwas. Ask if she needs anything, and she'll lament her lack of brandy. Agree to find some for her.

Completing it: There are four places you can buy this, and they all charge 1000 Credits for it:
1) On Omega, in upper Afterlife there is a bottle on the bar.
2) On the Citadel, in the Dark Star Lounge there is a bottle on the counter.
3) On Tuchanka, there is a bottle in the Ratch's Wares Console.
4) On Illium, Talk to the bartender and ask for a drink to activate the Kiosk next to her, then buy a bottle of the brandy from there.

Return to the Normandy and give the bottle to Dr. Chakwas. Agree to share the bottle right then and there. After each investigation option, you'll be given something to toast to. Eventually you'll have to choose one of those toasts. When you do, you'll exit dialog, and you'll get a Medi-Gel Capacity Upgrade.

Special Ingredients

How to get it: On Deck 3, Talk to Mess Sergeant Gardner. Ask if there's anything he needs, and he'll ask for better food, then back off, knowing you have more important things to do. Insist on looking for the Special Ingredients.

Completing it: Go to the Citadel and Zakera Cafe. Buy the High-Grade Provisions, which cost 500 Credits. Return to Mess Sergeant Gardner to hand them in. Your crew will appreciate it.


Combustion Manifold

How to get it: Talk to the Mechanic, who's working on a vehicle towards the back. He'll mention that the vehicle he's working on needs a Combustion Manifold. Promise to keep an eye out for one.

Completing it: During Mordin's Loyalty Mission "Old Blood," pick up the Combustion Manifold to the right, on an overturned Taunka, just before you enter the hospital. After the Mission, return to Tuchanka and hand in the part.

Killing Pyjaks

How to get it: From the landing pad, after you pass through the long corridor into the main room, take a left. The krogan standing next to a pet varren and a Console is Ratch. Talk to him, and agree to help with the pyjak problem.

Completing it: Just north of there is a pit. Next to the chief scout is a gun control. Use it to start the pyjak killing mini-game. There will be three waves of the little monkey creatures. Your goal is to kill them before they can get to the food supplies. The counter in the upper right is the number of remaining pyjaks in the current wave. The bar in the lower right corner is the ammount of food supplies left. If the bar reaches empty, you lose. There is no extra reward for saving all of the food. Use the directional controls on the keyboard to aim, and the spacebar to fire. When the game is over, return to Ratch for your reward: a discount at his shop. You can play this mini-game as often as you like, but there's no further reward for doing so.

Missing Scout

How to get it: While on Mordin's Loyalty Mission "Old Blood," Talk to the Chief Scout, who's standing next to the pyjak killing guns on Tuchanka. He'll ask you to keep an eye out for a scout he sent out.

Completing it: When you get inside the hospital, you'll come to a side room with a krogan just sitting there. Talk to him to learn that he is the Missing Scout. You then have two choices:
1) Kill him for some Renegade Points.
2) Convince him with either of the Paragon or Renegade options to return to Clan Urdnot.
When you return to the Chief Scout to report on the Scout's fate, you'll only get XP if you let the scout live.

last modified 2 August 2021